WHEW. What a crazy few days I've had. Maria got on her flight back home today and by my expert calculations, she's probably hanging out over western Pennsylvania. Let's all wish her happy, safe flight.
Here's a list of places I've been in the past week or so.
1. Museum of the Moving Image: Thank you for making me a museum, Queens.

2. Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island: Crowded, freaking freezing, but I love Ellis Island. Wanna talk about haunted space?

3. The top of the Empire State Building: Maria got a phone number. P-I-M-P.
4. Macy's in Herald Square: What's up, handbags I can't afford?
Bodies: The Exhibition at the South Street Sea Port: Oh, how my nerd brain had a freakout.
5. New York Public Library: I love those lions.
6. 19. Ambassador Theater: To see Chicago for a mere $27. Student ID's are better than fake ID's in my book.

7. Times Square. A lot. And once, for a really long time.
SO, HOW WAS THAT? To begin with, you gotta get there before noon to even make it into the places you see on TV. And you really don't get to see the performances because they're on top of roofs. Me and Maria got there a little after 5:00. So we started out about nine blocks back. We gradually and slowly moved up to about 50th and Broadway, so we were about 4 blocks away. BUT, we got to actually see the Ball come down.

See that itty, bitty little purple light in the middle? That's the ball. I've been telling people we were all little spermies, trying to get to an egg. And the ball was the egg.

ONE HOUR TO GO. Will I ever do it again? Hell no. Maybe get a hotel room somewhere in the Square and split the cost with 10 different people. It does have a really nice vibe. And the police were fantastic. There were SO many of them, but they really do have crowd control down to an art. The best quote of the night went to some random drunk man when we were leaving: "I'm facebookin all y'all!"
It's been terribly cold here and very somber looking. It's been somewhat reflective of my mood, given the madness surrounding a certain exboyfriend. But, I don't mind it too much. I was really sad to see Maria go today, but I managed to shift back into "alone" mood fantastically quickly. It's just so easy to do here, just to completely isolate yourself from the rest of the world. As I said, it's not a negative way to go. I fit in easy here, and I think it's thanks to my mom's DNA. It's easy for me to understand now why she's so much of a hermit. I won't be alone for much longer, boyfriend's here on Tuesday. I'm trying not to think about it, so I won't wait and wait and wait for it and so when it happens, it'll be that much more exciting.
On that note, if you're even thinking of coming to NYC, Southwest flies into MacAuther airport for cheap. It's a ways out there, but the Long Island Railroad makes it super accessible.
There's just SO much I want to do! I finally broke down and bought an NYC book,
Not for Tourists. If you're doing any traveling in a city that they've got a book about anytime soon, I highly, highly advise you pick it up. So many maps, listings for everything, etc. WHO KNEW there's a peanut butter store in the village? Well, I do now and I'll be going there soon. Also on the list is to track down the best Pad Thai in the city and to see the Museum of Sex. OF COURSE New York has a museum for sex. Why wouldn't they?
Hey, remember how I said I was going to do luminarias for Christmas Eve? Well, I did. I'm sure we were the talk of the neighborhood.

Happy 2008, ya'll.