
You weren't chosen for a reason.

After a 5 year absense, I entered the world of retail again this week at the Spirit Halloween Superstore. Seasonal employment is perfect for me. Right now, at least. I like it okay. Everyone that I work with is awesome, but sometimes the clientel can be a little trailer.

So, stop by and see me sometime. I'd love to sell you a black afro wig or a motion-sensitive twitching mummy.


Child porn.

Hello blog. Hello fancy internet machine. Once upon a time, there lived a girl who could not survive with an electronic community. That girl seems to have perished.

I really wanted this here page to serve as a fantastic record of Cat’s post-academia life so I get upset at myself when I don’t keep up.

Sparing all loyal readers from MEGABLOG, here’s a list of 11 things I’ve done since I last posted.

1. Received a fantastic new sweater as a reward for my participation in OPERATION GRANDMA WATCH 2007. She got it for me from Le Gap. My current financial situation still has me terrified of officially removing the tags. Juuuust in case.
2. Hung out with gentleman and dog in Buick. Fantastic way to travel, even if it’s only a few blocks.
3. Went to the State Fair.
4. Twice.
5. Saw Eastern Promises. Oh, Cronenberg. As Yahoo said, "We’re starting to get a bit worried about how easily Viggo Mortensen can be such a scary fu*ker."
6. Celebrated 2 years of a happy relationship.
7. New hair. Thank you, Miss Stone.
8. Spent $413 on new shoes for my truck. They’re Pirellis, so I have dubbed them my Italian Racing Tires. Vroomvroom.
9. Bartended. Thank you, smoking ban. I no longer come home smelling like cigarettes and beer. It’s just beer now. Oddly enough, I think I’ve completely lost my taste for drinking.
10. Worked, intensely, on my photography portfolio.
11. Was able to check off The Weakerthans from my ever expanding list of bands I want to see live.

All items are worthy of their own separate blog. However, I think that only the Fair will get one. Photo uploading was prohibited because of slow bandwith. Someday.