
It makes me feel very hungry and sad.

I try, for the most part, to keep my political opinions to myself on the internet. Mostly because I really hate flammers. It's not because I don't have strong conviction in what I believe in, it's that I really don't feel like getting into any more typed wars with people halfway across the globe. So much drama for no reason. But, it's no secret that I'm a liberal, a proud product and supporter of social programs. I protested the war and believe me, I hate George W. Bush. A whole lot.

Today, I really was genuinely sad today when John Edwards backed out of the race. I liked his platform and I liked him. I was excited to vote for him. I honestly felt about as defeated as that tragic day back in November of 2004. I know he was running out of money and he wasn't gaining much national support. But I really was hoping that he would pull a Kerry and weed his way through the drama and the media coverage surrounding the other candidates.

I don't give a crap about race cards or gender cards, or who Oprah thinks I should vote for. It's all more of the same. I'm not saying that Edwards was some magical go-getter who was above it all. But I think his platform was strong, he had some good ideas. He really was a moderate in what has become a mess of the democratic presidential campaign. So, now it's back my drawing board, figuring out who I want to support now. I think I'll just focus on Tom Udall for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like how his announcement also made you hungry. i miss you. when are you coming home?