I made a survey, how fantastic. The following is the almost complete list of stuff white people like from
stuffwhitepeoplelike.com. I decided to see how much of it I really, actually like.
#101 Being Offended. Maybe a little bit. If I get to whine about it later.
#100 Bumper Stickers. Only if they support local music/business. I liked witty Hot Topic stickers a lot when I was in high school.
#99 Grammar. Subconsciously, yes. Thanks to my 7th grade English teacher, who I despised at the time and now passionately love for all she drilled into my head.
#98 The Ivy League. I don't believe in paying that much for education. But, if you can afford it and can deal with that scene, do it up.
#97 Scarves. Maybe. I can't tell how I feel about these new cloth ones, as opposed to yarn-made ones. I think it's harder since I live in the desert. I wore a bandanna a lot in Quebec. Where they also have a lot of white people.
#96 New Balance Shoes. Nope. I prefer Puma's when I'm looking for bar tending shoes/things that actually have arch support.
#95 Rugby. Best part of living in Redondo freshman: UNM rugby practice on Johnson field. THANK YOU.
#94 Free Healthcare. Healthcare is never free. Someone always pays for it. Whether it comes out of your taxes if you're in Canada or Europe, or here where you pay for it independently. I hate the healthcare industry in general, though. Let's talk about why it costs $160 a month to insure a 24 year old healthy female with no chronic medical problems. O RIGHT. Because health insurance is the biggest rip off in the world.
#93 Music Piracy. Nope. And yes. I never actually download music but I have no issues burning music that someone else has downloaded. Does this make me worse?
#92 Book Deals. I'd take one, sure. I have a blog, don't I?
#91 San Francisco. Nope. I'd take the East Bay over it any day. But California is a heartbreaker for me.
#90 Dinner Parties. Noooo. Let's take a Cat, who is normally somewhat awkward, make her wear something business professional, force her to be proper, and speak to people who have no idea why someone would want a Media Arts degree. Taco Bell and sweat pants, thanks.
#89 St. Patrick’s Day. I dooooo. But I actually am Irish. AND I'M NOT JUST SAYING THAT LIKE EVERY OTHER WHITE PERSON DOES.
#88 Having Gay Friends. I actually don't have that many. I wouldn't mind some more.
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes. GOD NO.
#86 Shorts. GOD NO.
#85 The Wire. Never seen it.
#84 T-Shirts. I have a collection of band tees that could rival any current high school student. I plan on either making them into a quilt, or saving them and making my children wear them against their will, because they will have no how cool they will look later on.
#83 Bad Memories of High School. Oh, the divine trauma. I really do love it.
#82 Hating Corporations. True story! Small businesses, aww!
#81 Graduate School. I guess academia in general. But that's really more of an Asian thing, yes?
#80 The Idea of Soccer. I think I would die if someone tried to make me play soccer.
#79 Modern Furniture. Furniture is way too expensive. I think all I really need is my bed. I could live on the floor pretty easily.
#78 Multilingual Children. It's cute, quince kids translating for their parents. I wish I knew another language, so yes please, teach them while they're young.
#77 Musical Comedy. I'm not fanatical about it.
#76 Bottles of Water. I'd rather drink tap. I think some bottled water tastes bitter. I do not care what you say. Different brands of bottled water have different tastes.
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada. Yes. But it's much easier for me than for most other white people.
#74 Oscar Parties. I normally watch the Oscars in bed with my pajamas on. Sunday night is a bad night to party.
#73 Gentrification. NO.
#72 Study Abroad. I would have loved to have done it.
#71 Being the only white person around. This is easy in New Mexico. I guess I don't really notice it anymore. I love how the subway cars in NYC get darker the farther north you ride.
#70 Difficult Breakups. I think you've got to have a few here and there to make it interesting. But after a few, you learn how fantastic a clean break is.
#69 Mos Def. Nope.
#68 Michel Gondry. I liked
Eternal a lot, but not anything else, really.
#67 Standing Still at Concerts. I like concerts where I am forced to stand still because the people around me are crushing the air out of my lungs.
#66 Divorce. It's a good option to have out there. Clearly.
#65 Co-Ed Sports. I really can't do sports at all.
#64 Recycling. Sure. But I don't go out of my way to do it.
#63 Expensive Sandwiches. I just like sandwiches.
#62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People. Well, clearly. Because all poor people are dumb.
#61 Bicycles. I kind of hate this "Bicycles are hip" trend. But I'll probably jump on it in about a year.
#60 Toyota Prius. They are lovely. I drove one once.
#59 Natural Medicine. Not really, but my dad sure does like it and he's white.
#58 Japan. Nope.
#57 Juno. Yes. I loved it. I hate that people hate movies just because everyone else liked it. Get over it. It was fun.
#56 Lawyers. NO. Except for Mike Peters. He's a big time hero.
#55 Apologies. I hear I apologize a lot, so yeah.
#54 Kitchen Gadgets. I'm still fascinated by the salad spinner, so not so much.
#52 Sarah Silverman. I was honestly pretty indifferent until the "I'm Fucking Matt Damon" skit. Brils.
#51 Living by the Water. I live in New Mexico, so clearly not.
#50 Irony. Oh, sarcastic wit, you keep me sane.
#49 Vintage. Cameras, mostly. I just like things that are on sale.
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops. I hate paying $6 for an apple, but Whole Foods has the best banana bread EVER.
#47 Arts Degrees. Clearly, I'm a fan.
#46 The Sunday New York Times. No. I didn't read it in New York, so I won't read it here either. However, Raton was on the cover once, talking about the bears. Friggin bears.
#45 Asian Fusion Food. I don't know, is it tasty Asian Fusion food? Can you get Asian Fusion food in Albuquerque? Is that like the Chinese buffets that have mini corn dogs too?
#44 Public Radio. I think if I listened to the radio at all, I would listen to it.
#43 Plays. Not so much.
#42 Sushi. Yum. It's great summer food. I'm not fanatical about it, though.
#41 Indie Music. No point in denying.
#40 Apple Products. Well, yeah. I hear new iPhone gen is to be launched on Monday.
#39 Netflix. I hear it's a good concept, I don't have it though.
#38 Arrested Development. YES.
#37 Renovations. Maybe when I live in a house that I own, I'll like them. But for now, it just seems like it would horribly annoying to have contractors living in your house and listening to power tools all day.
#36 Breakfast Places. Yum, omelet.
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report. They're the highest rated news programs and there is a reason for it. I never really go out of my way to watch, though.
#34 Architecture Yes. Mostly in theaters and performance arts spaces. I constantly judge them.
#33 Marijuana. Meh.
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism. Save da animals. I definitely understand/respect it, and sometimes I won't eat meat for a few weeks and not even realize it. But for the most part, it's too much of a commitment for me.
#31 Snowboarding. This is how Cat would break bones. So Cat does not do it.
#30 Wrigley Field. Why sure! That area of Chicago was pretty much the only good part of visiting there. That and the soup restaurant.
#29 80s Night. At Emily Stone's house are always epic events. Epically drunk and epically costumed.
#28 Not having a TV. I went a long time without using one, unless to watch movies, as the cable was never hooked up to mine in the Princeton house. But now that it is hooked up and I pay for it, I make sure to watch it.
#27 Marathons. No. Are you on drugs? I can't run a block, screw running 27 miles.
#26 Manhattan. (now Brooklyn too!) I'm sorry, how can you not love Manhattan? Museums, shopping, parks, public transportation, glamour, trash, it's the best island ever.
#25 David Sedaris. SUPER bummed I'll be out of town for his book signing on the 21st. He is one funny man.
#24 Wine. I'd rather have beer. Unless it's ladies night and there's pizza too.
#23 Microbreweries. I don't like a lot of microbrews, way too hoppy. But some do okay.
#22 Having Two Last Names. Mine is long enough already. I would not dare hyphenate my child's last name after surviving Vanderpool for so long.
#21 Writers Workshops. I have them. I hate other people critiquing my "art" and I have doing the same to others. But more than anything else, I hate the self-righteous "why it's important" speech. Vomit.
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture. Anthropology tells me you're automatically an expert on YOUR culture because you participate in it. Everyone has a different culture, but culture is pretty much just who you are. Even being "culturally-naive" is an aspect of culture.
#19 Traveling. Yes please.
#18 Awareness. Aware or in control? Because I think I'm very much about both.
#17 Hating their Parents. Mom rules. If Dad forgets my birthday again, we might have some issues.
#16 Gifted Children. Nobody wants a dumb kid. Well, maybe some people do.
#15 Yoga. Yes. I'm not very good at it, though.
#14 Having Black Friends. I have Sarebear. She is all I need.
#13 Tea. Umm, little bit. I think I've got about fifteen boxes at home.
#12 Non-Profit Organizations. I've worked for two. I hate grant writing and it sucks when you don't get the grant you want. But I guess it's rewarding and what not.
#11 Asian Girls. Not so much.
#10 Wes Anderson Movies. Rushmore is my favorite film of all time, therefore, I love all other Wes Andersons by default.
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside. Stay inside. I don't care.
#8 Barack Obama. It's because we all want black friends.
#7 Diversity. We're all jealous of everyone else's fun stories of oppression and hatred.
#6 Organic Food. I think it tastes about the same, and you'll probably get cancer no matter what, so...
#5 Farmer’s Markets. You meet a very odd collection of folk there. But for some reason, they all smell really good.
#4 Assists. I guess so?
#3 Film Festivals. College was a giant film festival to me, watching 3 or 4 new movies a week. I'm good for now. And not nearly glamorous enough.
#2 Religions their parents don’t belong to. Not really. My parents left church about the time I started not liking it. It worked out well.
#1 Coffee. Coffee makes me sick. And sad.
56 out of 101. Soooo, that means I'm half white? I guess living in New Mexico altered me.