The address is registered to the McCain campaign.
Not kidding.
Gucci collar for dollar.

Next time, you see Kyle, congratulate him on becoming a tropical storm.
My current worst fear in life is that I'll refer to someone on the phone as "sir" and it'll actually be a lady.
It rythmes with smasession.
I don't want to hear another word about the federal bailout of Wall Street. I've heard so many words about it since Monday. In fact, every word you could ever say about the economy, I've heard. I think it's seriously made me sick. I feel really gross right now.
It's been a series of bad days that has now composited into a full-blown bad week. Yesterday was the day to feel horrible, girly-wise. Just one of those gross days when the only thing you want in the world is a giant hoodie and to never eat again. The lady-insecurity monster strangles us all sometimes.
So, you know, just generally a little rain cloud of myself lately. I'm certainly not content to keep myself in this slump. I need to dig my way out. I'm making myself eat tasty Fei's for lunch and I might try to book an herbal salt glow from Betty's sometime this weekend. Just a little spark. Most of the time, that's all it takes.
EDIT: Spark.
It's been a series of bad days that has now composited into a full-blown bad week. Yesterday was the day to feel horrible, girly-wise. Just one of those gross days when the only thing you want in the world is a giant hoodie and to never eat again. The lady-insecurity monster strangles us all sometimes.
So, you know, just generally a little rain cloud of myself lately. I'm certainly not content to keep myself in this slump. I need to dig my way out. I'm making myself eat tasty Fei's for lunch and I might try to book an herbal salt glow from Betty's sometime this weekend. Just a little spark. Most of the time, that's all it takes.
He put my stapler in jello again.

This is mom's cat Oliver. He misses his big brother Mohammad quite a lot. So much so that he's been throwing up a lot the past few days. I'm taking one for team Bedard tomorrow and doing the honors of taking him to the vet, just to make sure something horrible isn't going on with him. Understandably, Mom isn't too excited about going back there so soon. So, let's all hope for the best. Him throwing up might not be so bad. He could stand to loose a little weight. At 20+ pounds, he's about the size of a category two hurricane.
Well, Counting Crows was last week. And I just realized I hadn't talked about it yet. I could not overcome my hostility over paying $200 to be close to the stage, so I ended up on the lawn. But, I was surrounded by a fantastic group of people, including Maria, boyfriend, Daniel, Marky, J-Fah and Ben. We had fun. Adam Duritz was completely on-point, regardless of playing to a crowd that could seemingly care less. That's how you know you're an amazing preformer; when he carried over all of the bodies that didn't care and into the lawn for those of us who did. Thanks, buddy.
Their set list went a little something like this, in case you're curious/want it for your own documentation:
Hanging Tree
Ms. Potter's Lullaby
If I Could Give All My Love
Murder of One ---> Doris Day (Sordid Humor)
Washington Square
Miami (!!!)
Long December
Come Around
Rain King
(I don't think I forgot anything...)
I got so excited when they started playing Rain King because I thought maybe, just maybe, they'd do the version of it where they break into Thunder Road. They didn't, but it was still a fantastic closer.
Only Maria and myself stayed for Maroon 5 but we also had fun speculating on exactly how many STD's their singer may or may not be infected with.
Hey, anniversary went nicely. And a big reason for that was because I spotted the most exciting thing I've seen in months on my drive home from work...

When I was growing up in Edgewood, I went to church every Sunday. Mostly cuz Grandpa was a minister and Dad did the church music. But, every Sunday after church, our family, being me, Mom, Dad, Grandpa and Grandma went to eat at La Placita. And after that, on the way back to Edgewood, Mom, Dad and me would stop at Itsa Italian Ice on Lomas and Washington for sugar-treat. Italian Ice is not be confused with slurpies or slushes, it's made the same way ice cream is, as opposed to being shaved ice. But Itsa was just the king of it. That establishment was such an important part of my childhood. I loved it, could not wait for it on Sundays. Sadly, it closed, gosh, maybe 15 years ago. Occausionally, their booth would pop up at State Fairs and Balloon Fiestas, but I've pretty much been Italian Ice-free for a decade and a half.

So, celebration to make benefit glorious anniversary began with Itsa Italian Ice, and opened up an old chapter in my life. Be warned, I'm sure that for the duration of my stay in New Mexico, if we're hanging out and bored or hungry, I will no doubt suggest we go to Itsa. Prepare.
PS. It's an amazing thing when you're able to laugh off problems at work.
Fall asleep next to me.
Yesterday, at THE JOB I CAN'T BLOG ABOUT, I got a lecture on phone etiquette.
A woman called, said her peace, and I hung up the phone. She called back about a minute later and told me that she felt like I was too aggressive when I hung up the phone. In fact, she believed I SLAMMED DOWN the receiver. I did no such thing, didn't even think to when the call was over. So I, completely baffled, told her I meant no disrespect in the action and that I was simply hanging up on a call that was completed. She asked me if I was normally so aggressive when ending calls and that "if it left such a bad taste in my mouth, I'm sure other callers are upset too". When I told her it was the first time I'd received a complaint on the matter, she ignored me then lectured me on manners and how important it was that I be proper since I am acting as a representative of a very important thing/cause/person.
So, revenge of the retired high school guidance counselor. Be more passive when hanging up the phone, Cat.
A woman called, said her peace, and I hung up the phone. She called back about a minute later and told me that she felt like I was too aggressive when I hung up the phone. In fact, she believed I SLAMMED DOWN the receiver. I did no such thing, didn't even think to when the call was over. So I, completely baffled, told her I meant no disrespect in the action and that I was simply hanging up on a call that was completed. She asked me if I was normally so aggressive when ending calls and that "if it left such a bad taste in my mouth, I'm sure other callers are upset too". When I told her it was the first time I'd received a complaint on the matter, she ignored me then lectured me on manners and how important it was that I be proper since I am acting as a representative of a very important thing/cause/person.
So, revenge of the retired high school guidance counselor. Be more passive when hanging up the phone, Cat.
Blue eyes blind like the sun.

I feel like I've always known Kyle. Not in some mystical, cosmic kind of way, but just that he's always been around. When people ask how or when we met, I never have a good answer. I know he went to ska shows I went to for years before we were friends. I remember the first Made in Bangladesh show because I was fresh off a break up and busy flirting with someone else. :) But I guess we weren't friendly till I was friendly with Chas.

But there's not much of a story in it. He started hanging around, I started taking notice of him. I can tell you that he was completely oblivious to me until I was kissing his face. And even then, he swears he was still confused. (This is not unbelievable, and completely adorable, if you know Kyle.)

We started out slow. But, I remember being amazed at how easy it was to be with him. I was never stressed out when he was around. We just sort seemed to fall into place after a few months. Before I knew it, a few months turned into a year. Then, another year. And now, another. He's still here, the tall boy and his level head. I'm really such a lucky girl.

I've never put much emphasis on our relationship being perfect or quintessential. He's never been my everything, I'll never be his. We never plan things ahead of time. We hardly ever talk about "our future together" (mostly because that term MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT). But, everything seems to work out regardless, It's hands down, the best relationship I've ever had. He knows exactly who I am. And even though we don't talk about it, I think he'll be around for a long time to come.

Well, today, it's been 3 years since the first time we kissed. Three freaking years he's been around. Through Ska Prom and finals week. Through divorce and death. Through burlesque shows and broken cars. Through graduation and fires, from New York City and back to the desert, he's been there. I can honestly say I didn't think we'd make it this long when we started. But, little did I know I'd ended up with a most fantastic person; a smart and honest one; which is such a rare combination.

Like I said, there's not much of a story to it. It's actually remarkably simple. But, not to say it's been boring. I think it's rare to meet someone as geniune as Kyle Johnson. I do cherish him. Sometimes, I find myself waiting for some kind of fallout, some drastic complication. Then, I remember to sit back, relax, and remember how good I have it. Like I said, I'm a lucky girl.

Happy anniversary, tall awkward boyfriend.
I know I've been somewhat un-chirpy lately. My quietness can be blamed on sorrow.

Mohammad lost his battle with kidney failure on Thursday. It had been going downhill for a few weeks now and Mom and me made the decision that he needed to go quietly and peacefully. So he did.
I got Mohammad when I was 12. I had always wanted a kitten. Ever since I knew what one was, I wanted one. When the time was right, finding a kitten turned out to be a nearly impossible venture in Raton. After weeks of searching my dad found an eight week old yellow and orange shorthair at Barbara's Pet Parade in the northeast heights. He was so tiny, especially his tail. My dad assumed that little cats had little tails. Before we got him, something happened to his little tail, he was missing sbout two thirds of it. But he wagged it with such pride.
When I started college, he stayed with my mom in Raton, since I couldn't take him. And he's been with her for 6 years. He never had a single health problem, except for kitty-acne, until this year with his kidneys. Even if something was wrong, he never would have complained. Such a mild-mannered creature. The only thing that upset him were dogs. When he saw one, his little tail would puff up and he would hiss and spit a storm.
Overall, I feel defeated about it, especially with it happening so close to losing Annie. He was a good kitty, if not the best kitty. He was always happy to see me, no matter how long it was in between visits. Even that last day, when he could barely walk, he purred for me when I pet him. I'll miss his little squeaks for a long time to come.
He would have been 13 in January. I buried him at my moms house, far away from Annie but with a view of house so he can still watch over my momma. I told him his kitty heaven would have no dogs, lots of bugs for him to chase and he'd even be reunited with his tail.
Long week. Life in general seems to be dragging out lately. Maybe that means something grand's coming up. I hope so.

Mohammad lost his battle with kidney failure on Thursday. It had been going downhill for a few weeks now and Mom and me made the decision that he needed to go quietly and peacefully. So he did.
I got Mohammad when I was 12. I had always wanted a kitten. Ever since I knew what one was, I wanted one. When the time was right, finding a kitten turned out to be a nearly impossible venture in Raton. After weeks of searching my dad found an eight week old yellow and orange shorthair at Barbara's Pet Parade in the northeast heights. He was so tiny, especially his tail. My dad assumed that little cats had little tails. Before we got him, something happened to his little tail, he was missing sbout two thirds of it. But he wagged it with such pride.
When I started college, he stayed with my mom in Raton, since I couldn't take him. And he's been with her for 6 years. He never had a single health problem, except for kitty-acne, until this year with his kidneys. Even if something was wrong, he never would have complained. Such a mild-mannered creature. The only thing that upset him were dogs. When he saw one, his little tail would puff up and he would hiss and spit a storm.
Overall, I feel defeated about it, especially with it happening so close to losing Annie. He was a good kitty, if not the best kitty. He was always happy to see me, no matter how long it was in between visits. Even that last day, when he could barely walk, he purred for me when I pet him. I'll miss his little squeaks for a long time to come.
He would have been 13 in January. I buried him at my moms house, far away from Annie but with a view of house so he can still watch over my momma. I told him his kitty heaven would have no dogs, lots of bugs for him to chase and he'd even be reunited with his tail.
Long week. Life in general seems to be dragging out lately. Maybe that means something grand's coming up. I hope so.
Break your heart and steal your crown.
Welp, my ballot just got cast...
If Jason Bourne says it, then it must be so.
(Don't worry, my ballot was cast a looooooooong time ago.)
If Jason Bourne says it, then it must be so.
(Don't worry, my ballot was cast a looooooooong time ago.)
He is NOT the father.

Instead of watching John McCain accept his party's nomination, Maria and I decided to go watch the OTHER Old Man Gloom.
If you're unfamiliar with Zozobra (aka live in Oklahoma), it's this party where 40,000 people pile into a park and watch a giant paper mache marionette burn to the ground. So correct! It is the most useless/best thing ever!
Burning Zozobra is supposed to rid yourself of gloom. You're also supposed to bring pictures, divorce papers, lawsuits, parking tickets, things like that, to be burned up with Old Man Gloom. It's nothing but an excuse to party. But it's also neat to watch something large be lit on fire.
It was the first time I'd been and I went expecting the worst. Once again, I really hate Santa Fe. And the organization of their public events completely lived up to my expectations. You would think, after having this event since 1924, that maybe, just maybe, there would be some organization to it. And you would be completely wrong. Finding parking in Santa Fe is bad enough. Try finding it in the middle of 40,000 people. You'd think maybe they would have have a Park n Ride from somewhere. Once again, you'd be wrong.
Maria and I left Albuquerque about 6:30 after ATMing and eating. Various internet sources told me that there was in fact, a park and ride at "the mall". Limited Santa Fe knowledge tells me that "the mall" is Villa Linda, or Santa Fe Place as it's called. WRONG. The "Park n Ride" was actually at DeVarges Center which can park about 500 cars. Maybe. And it's a mile from the park they have Zozobra. Maria and I lucked the freak out and found a spot at the DeVarges Center when someone left. We then walked a mile, got herded, crossed a few tiny bridges, and got into the actual park at about 8:00. I was terrified we were going to miss it.

But we didn't!
Our timing was actually near perfect. We didn't have to stand too long, he started burning at about 8:30. Because it's Santa Fe, there was a whole lot of modern dance before they get to the actual fire, which lasts under a minute. I guess they want you to feel like you're getting a show out of Zozobra, but I don't think they realize the only thing people care about is watching the dang thing burn.

But, considering I got about 15 minutes of entertainment for a 4 hour ordeal, I still had a lot of fun. I think there is some karma in it and the crowd was super excited about it.
But, and this is very important, do you know what started today? Do you? Because I do. AND IT'S THE FREAKING FAIR. I. LOVE. THE. FAIR. So, wine festival on Monday, Zozobra on Thursday, and Fair on Sunday? Yeah, best week for New Mexico ever.
Chicas and a surprisingly good time!

As per tradition of any over 21er in the greater Albuquerque area, me and some friends took in the Wine Festival this Labor Day weekend. Maria terrified me with talk of lines being ridiculous, but I think we picked the day to go. Monday wasn't too hot, nor was it too, too crowded. I think the max I had to wait in line was 15 to 20 minutes. And considering free alcohol was being poured, that's amazing. I'm not even mad!

We took the Railrunner there and even though you'll be upset, that was the first time I'd taken it. But, it worked out well. We got there right when the train did so we ended up with seats together. For most of us.
But, really, it ended up being a fine time. A surprisingly good time! Le Chat Lunatique played at about 3:00 and it's no secret they're one of my favorites. We spent most of the day pleasantly buzzed and dodging Kyle Anaya's former lady. Covert operations are much better after wine. There was also really good jerky, really good corn, and really good wine. At a wine festival? Good wine?!? No!
I don't know much about wine. In fact, I don't know a thing. But, I learned a bit. I discovered I'm not the biggest fan of wines that taste like Sprite, but I don't like wines that taste super dry. I guess I like tart wines? I probably got the most excited about this one if only for its name. Unfortunately half my glass of it was spilled on me when drunk bro (Daaaaaaaaaave) crashed into me. I was sticky for most of the day. So it goes.

This is Maria having wine:

This is Kyle (Willis) and Maria wishing there was a wine cannon somewhere:

This is Kyle (Willis) and Marky pretending to hold up an extremely large mammory (I don't remember why, I just remember it being extremely funny... It was on the train ride home):

This is Kyle (Willis) helping Maria exfoliate:
And this is my favorite:

Moral of the story: Wine festivals are fun. But I think I'll stick to beer.
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