This is mom's cat Oliver. He misses his big brother Mohammad quite a lot. So much so that he's been throwing up a lot the past few days. I'm taking one for team Bedard tomorrow and doing the honors of taking him to the vet, just to make sure something horrible isn't going on with him. Understandably, Mom isn't too excited about going back there so soon. So, let's all hope for the best. Him throwing up might not be so bad. He could stand to loose a little weight. At 20+ pounds, he's about the size of a category two hurricane.
Well, Counting Crows was last week. And I just realized I hadn't talked about it yet. I could not overcome my hostility over paying $200 to be close to the stage, so I ended up on the lawn. But, I was surrounded by a fantastic group of people, including Maria, boyfriend, Daniel, Marky, J-Fah and Ben. We had fun. Adam Duritz was completely on-point, regardless of playing to a crowd that could seemingly care less. That's how you know you're an amazing preformer; when he carried over all of the bodies that didn't care and into the lawn for those of us who did. Thanks, buddy.
Their set list went a little something like this, in case you're curious/want it for your own documentation:
Hanging Tree
Ms. Potter's Lullaby
If I Could Give All My Love
Murder of One ---> Doris Day (Sordid Humor)
Washington Square
Miami (!!!)
Long December
Come Around
Rain King
(I don't think I forgot anything...)
I got so excited when they started playing Rain King because I thought maybe, just maybe, they'd do the version of it where they break into Thunder Road. They didn't, but it was still a fantastic closer.
Only Maria and myself stayed for Maroon 5 but we also had fun speculating on exactly how many STD's their singer may or may not be infected with.
Hey, anniversary went nicely. And a big reason for that was because I spotted the most exciting thing I've seen in months on my drive home from work...

When I was growing up in Edgewood, I went to church every Sunday. Mostly cuz Grandpa was a minister and Dad did the church music. But, every Sunday after church, our family, being me, Mom, Dad, Grandpa and Grandma went to eat at La Placita. And after that, on the way back to Edgewood, Mom, Dad and me would stop at Itsa Italian Ice on Lomas and Washington for sugar-treat. Italian Ice is not be confused with slurpies or slushes, it's made the same way ice cream is, as opposed to being shaved ice. But Itsa was just the king of it. That establishment was such an important part of my childhood. I loved it, could not wait for it on Sundays. Sadly, it closed, gosh, maybe 15 years ago. Occausionally, their booth would pop up at State Fairs and Balloon Fiestas, but I've pretty much been Italian Ice-free for a decade and a half.

So, celebration to make benefit glorious anniversary began with Itsa Italian Ice, and opened up an old chapter in my life. Be warned, I'm sure that for the duration of my stay in New Mexico, if we're hanging out and bored or hungry, I will no doubt suggest we go to Itsa. Prepare.
PS. It's an amazing thing when you're able to laugh off problems at work.
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