
A comedian died last night.

Must admit, I've found myself very judgmental over the Watchmen movie. I cherish that book, such a great comment on good vs. evil, the ethics of higher power, social control, GAH. Fantastic. So I was sort of bothered when they tapped the guy who directed the 300 bloodbath to direct this one. Trust me, I love 300 just as much as the next person, but Watchmen has almost zero violence in it. It's all about the theory of superhero, probably why it's never been made into a movie before.

But this image pretty much made my night. Man, I hope it rules.

I can only imagine.

Nader Watch OH EIGHT!

It's dumb how excited I was yesterday over this. I've always been fascinated to death by tornadoes, storm cellars, disaster and devastation. Really, how could not be awesome if a giant twister took out downtown Albuquerque? REALLY.

No, but it was pretty awesome. Did anyone see how big and puffy the clouds were? I told Mattlahoma I was going to go straight home and sit in the center part of my house with a flashlight and jug of water. I didn't do that. I went to Chili's instead. But seeing as Albuquerque was spared in this horrific, devastating storm, my decision was just fine.

Memorial Day weekend was great. I completely monopolized Chas's visit to the southwest, stealing him Friday night, Saturday morning AND Sunday night. You're all jealous!

Emily threw a barbecue shindig on Friday night, which almost didn't have barbecue because it took about an hour to get the grill working. We ended up putting charcoal in a gas grill and using hairspray as a sub for lighter fluid. How does that work out? Well, I'm typing, aren't I?

The image above is from one of the finest Sarebear/Booters dance party performances I've witnessed in a while. They'd do anything for love.

I grossly underestimated Albuquerque's love for Iron Maiden. Chas and I showed up to the Pavilion at about 8 on Sunday, only to discover lawn seating was sold out.

So we watched the show from here.

Wasn't nearly as bad as it looks. It was like we were on the suburbs of the Iron Maiden show, a small microcosm of a larger event. We even had some drunk guy pass out in front of us.

But, by far the highlight of the event was our sneaky alcohol consumption, which involved putting Miller High Life tall boy cans inside large drink cups and drinking them through a straw. GENIUS. BY THE WAY, I do endorse or support drinking on public lands. It is ILLEGAL. But, $8 for a Bud Light inside the Pavilion makes risking a felony so worth it.

Monday, Jennifah and I headed out to the Petrogylphs, some place I haven't been since I was tiny. But I had a great time. A windy, great time. Visiting the petrogylphs is only a dollar per car on weekdays, $2 on weekends, so it's a bargain. It's fun to have such awesome pockets of solitude in the middle of urban sprawl, even though the sprawl is coming closer and closer everyday. Go enjoy it while you can.

3 day weekends make 4 day workweeks even harder, for some reason. I'm battling through it, but geez, am I tired. It helped that we won Geeks Who Drink last night.

I'm in search of a new series to fall in love with post-Six Feet Under. Canivale anyone? I'm at a loss.


Visions of sugar plums.

I'm trying to see possibility. I don't think I'm there quite yet.


ohai Snow. Remember when it was 90 degrees outside yesterday?


Fact can be arranged.

I find myself in familiar places lately. I let myself get away with things that would have only happened four years ago. My current state would never agree to it. I'm putting myself in environments of comfort, as opposed to forcing myself to change. It's not nearly as big of a deal as that sounds, I'm just sort of enjoying letting myself be a confused 20 year old again, listening to the same old Jimmy Eat World song over and over again, reading back blogs from when that song was still fresh. It's no secret I've got some major issues with Cat current life placement, most of those issues I haven't really figured out how to combat. But recently, it's been easy to let myself forget about them.

But more than that, the time period I've found myself indulging in wasn't exactly prime form for me, either. Maybe it's because I was there, I did it, succeeded, made it out a better person, that I makes being there so rewarding, so easy. Or maybe I never really made it out and letting myself dive back into it is all just a grand distraction.

I know that doesn't make much sense... trust me I know. I guess the huge question is, when's the right time to leave, to move on?

Hey, remember when we voted George W. Bush to be the president twice? I guess all things really are possible in a free society.

I really cannot express just how excited I am for Rancid. Watching a band that you truly love, just completely and totally, is hands down, the most satisfying feeling in my life. I just cannot stop smiling when I think about it, like this beckon of hope and light on the horizon. And to think, first listens to NEW material. My only disapointment is that the Aggrolites will be playing all dates of Warped Tour, so any chance of hearing Tim Armstrong solo is next to nothing.

Plans to go to New York for 5 nights of Rancid are coming along, even though 2 shows are already sold out. This is what eBay is for. Time off from work has been secured.

I'm sure everyone who reads this already knows about Geeks Who Drink, but just in case you don't, it rules. It's really kind of cute the way I play on a team, that's more or less exactly the same every week at the same place. Like it's tournament basketball or something. But I really do look forward to it every week, it's a great way to spend a few hours. And I get to learn all kinds of things I never really needed to know. It makes you a fantastic dinner party guest. One key team member will be missing this week, as Tall, Awkward Boyfriend is in Arizona taking care of some grandma stuff til Sunday. Whatever shall I do with my lunch breaks?!?

Today is dragging. I tended bar last night in the El Rey and despite still getting 7 hours of sleep, I'm still completely drained. The thing about bartending in the El Rey is nothing is built in, no bar guns. So, all mixers live in cans and bottles, it's a lot to carry. I took down that bar in record time last night, but it left me exhausted.


How you treat me so fine.

I went to Pennywise/Strung Out last night. By far, the LOUDEST thing I have heard in the Sunshine in forever. Ears are ringing this morning (which is rare. This fact scares me a bit…). I was pretty surprised at the turnout, too. I was expecting 300 tops and I think the theater was close to capacity. I was pretty excited to hear PW play Brohymn, to feel like I was 15 again, watching Middle Class freaking ROCK out, but I ended up leaving halfway through their set to grab flyers for the May 30 show. I tried flyering, something I haven’t done in a LONG time, but I looked at 90% of the crowd and went “I highly doubt you will come to a local ska show. But moreso, what are you doing HERE?” Seriously, BROFEST 2008. And then it made sense… Brohymn = bros. OH. OKAY.

I spent most of the show in the thick of the crowd, on or near the barricade. I was a little proud of my nearly-24 year old self, for taking all that force, the kind of compactness that only sweaty bodies can produce. As I’ve said, my fancy-pants job has made me want nothing more than to be a kid again. So, it was nice to have a night of punk rock again. But, no lies, do I ever feel it this morning.

I guess it was my pregame for RANCID ON JULY FIRST. SO HAPPY.

Grandma sold her house. This is fantastic for her, it was a huge weight on her shoulders. I hope that now she can just relax a little bit and enjoy her new surroundings. Her new, very, very, very flat surroundings. I’m sad to see that house go. That was my first home, I lived there for about a year before my parents bought land in Edgewood. And it holds a lot of memories for me. I hope the person who bought it will love it as much as I did. It’s got a lot to love.

The other lame thing about the house selling and Grandma moving is that now, all holiday gatherings will be held in Pampa Texas. Gag my face.

Maria fell in love with a kitty and wants to bring it home. I’m sure it’s an adorable lady cat. Looks like my room will soon be a quarantine zone so that my boyfriend will still be able to come over.

I have some happy news to report. White peacoat of love has been located at mom’s house. Thank you, dear sweet baby Jesus!

I think today is nostalgia day. Rain always gets me thinking that way. So, I highly suggest listening to something you used to love, but magically forgot about. Think real hard about it, now. For me, it’s Oasis day. What’s the story, morning glory? The story is we’re going to need a lot more rain than this or momma’s trailer is gonna get blowed away!



I spent the last few days house sitting in the south north valley (if that makes any sense) caring for a gaggle of canines. Such a good thing for me, I miss my dog so much that any kind of dog interaction turns me cheerful.

This is Cedric. I re-named him Captain Bighead.

I love that part of town so, so much. Something about the dirt, maybe. It's much finer than in the rest of the city. And all those old houses with their miss-matched rooms. People hang out on their porches. I heard a quince happening a few blocks away. Truthfully, it's pretty much the hardest place in ABQ to find a house because no one sells them there. They stay in the families for as long as possible.

I think I just love Albuquerque so much in general. But town, you're hurting my feelings. You know that, don't you? If I ever work up the courage to leave and get to Oklahoma, I guarantee I'll find the one Mexican neighborhood in the state and live there.

Probably my new, favorite part of working downtown is that they've started turning on the fountain in Civic Plaza. So, I can sit, enjoy my lunch, and watch water run down cement. My boyfriend comes to visit me for lunch a lot, since I don't see him much any other time. His school schedule is pretty much the opposite of my work schedule.

I've decided I want this:

And am now saving for it feverishly.

It's been a while since I've done this. But here's one of those flyer things.



Big ups to whoever broke into the Golden West cooler last night. No really, bravo. You come in and see a building in complete ruin, gutted out, and decide that, what the hell, let's take the only thing left.

But what I'm really impressed with is how you managed to get into the cooler without dying because the roof over the cooler is collasped in front of the door.

So, I hope endangering your life and grave robbing was completely worth it for a couple cases of burnt Corona, buddy. Good luck sleeping anytime in the near future. Actually, you probably won't have any problem sleeping. That's what makes me sick.

I hope that beer makes you sick.


I still hear trains at night.

2 months later, demolition started in the Golden West last week. If you're wondering why it took so long, the wonderful folks at AFD and ATF asked if we would maintain our site as it was so that police dogs could come train. In exchange, they would help us with our demolition. Well, after training, AFD decided the structure wasn't sound enough to send their firemen in to help with demo. Convenient, ain't it? Also, way to lock the front door jackasses, enjoy the Jager.

2 months later, there's still pits of loss in my life. It is easier than it was, without a doubt. At least now I feel like it's real. It actually hurts more than it did, but at least I know it's on its way to getting better. There is hope, my friends, and that's something I haven't had for a while.

That being said, I think my duration in Albuquerque is about to come to close. At least for a while. I love it here. I love all the people I know and I love all that they have done for me. But, in perfect honesty, this place is currently breaking my heart. I feel myself bitterizing (best. word. ever) and I hate it. HATE it. We all go through those phases when life gets you down and all seems lost. Sooner or later, it always gets better. But this one feels different than the others. My current job is really only a temporary gig, so I'll probably ride it out and see where I am in a few months, then make that call. I'm pretty much dead-set on getting back into school, finishing a BA in Anthropology, which probably won't take me long, under two years. WHERE I finish is the question.

I guess the fog of smoke engulfing our fair city this week makes it even harder to be here. That smell will haunt me for a long time.

Hearing about those poor homes burnt in the Trigo fire breaks my heart. I want to go to the motels in Moriaty where all those poor people are staying and bring them all cookies and pie.

On the subject of the Golden West smell, it seems to have evolved. For a while, it was just charred. It still smelled like gas explosions and burnt wood. Now it smells like KFC, a wooden pizza oven.

'Member my kitty Mohammed? His kidneys continue to be troublesome. The prognosis is increasingly grim.

Of all the tattoo ideas I've had, I've never been so committed to this one: an olive tree on my upper center thigh. A good Italian tree for a great Italian building. With two trunks, one for the bar, one for Annie.


Paper cuts and for what purpose.

(I wish I had photoshop at work so I could submit that picture to failblog. FAIL.)

Oh Strong City, you crazy kids. Making northeastern New Mexico look like west Texas. Don't worry America, Michael Travesser, self proclaimed son of God, didn't actually impregnate minors. He just lied naked with them. TOTALLY FINE.

"Strong City" is about an hour from Raton. I left Raton before anyone really figured out what was going on, but I heard bits and pieces about it here and there. I was actually beginning to wonder what happened to those hill folk. I guess they just isolated themselves after the Messiah's prediction that the world would end on October 31, 2007 didn't come true. Man. I hate it when that happens.

I'm thinking of starting to take the bus to work. I think it actually might be cheaper than driving here now.

Much better.

IRON MAN was last night. And it was so good that everytime I talk about IRON MAN I must capitalize it. I must admit, after the death of Cap Am, me and Tony Stark as a character, weren't on good terms. But now, I feel about 300x better about him. Seriously. IRON MAN rules. Go see it. It's the most fun I've had at a movie in a long time. As soon as I get home from work, I am downloading SO MUCH metal.

But, on the note of work, I had to be here at 6:00am this morning. I completely slept through my alarm. I was 2 HOURS LATE. Like most people, I live in fear of my supervisor. But, after the intial "where are you" phone call, I didn't hear a word about it. I decided that my boss is secretly in business with Stark Industries and because of this, my tardiness was completely excused.

Other I Can't Blog About My Job Notes:
1. President Rhonda wants me to look into plastic cars.
2. My hands are always covered in paper cuts. Is there a solution?