Nader Watch OH EIGHT!
It's dumb how excited I was yesterday over this. I've always been fascinated to death by tornadoes, storm cellars, disaster and devastation. Really, how could not be awesome if a giant twister took out downtown Albuquerque? REALLY.
No, but it was pretty awesome. Did anyone see how big and puffy the clouds were? I told Mattlahoma I was going to go straight home and sit in the center part of my house with a flashlight and jug of water. I didn't do that. I went to Chili's instead. But seeing as Albuquerque was spared in this horrific, devastating storm, my decision was just fine.
Memorial Day weekend was great. I completely monopolized Chas's visit to the southwest, stealing him Friday night, Saturday morning AND Sunday night. You're all jealous!

Emily threw a barbecue shindig on Friday night, which almost didn't have barbecue because it took about an hour to get the grill working. We ended up putting charcoal in a gas grill and using hairspray as a sub for lighter fluid. How does that work out? Well, I'm typing, aren't I?
The image above is from one of the finest Sarebear/Booters dance party performances I've witnessed in a while. They'd do anything for love.
I grossly underestimated Albuquerque's love for Iron Maiden. Chas and I showed up to the Pavilion at about 8 on Sunday, only to discover lawn seating was sold out.

So we watched the show from here.

Wasn't nearly as bad as it looks. It was like we were on the suburbs of the Iron Maiden show, a small microcosm of a larger event. We even had some drunk guy pass out in front of us.
But, by far the highlight of the event was our sneaky alcohol consumption, which involved putting Miller High Life tall boy cans inside large drink cups and drinking them through a straw. GENIUS. BY THE WAY, I do endorse or support drinking on public lands. It is ILLEGAL. But, $8 for a Bud Light inside the Pavilion makes risking a felony so worth it.

Monday, Jennifah and I headed out to the Petrogylphs, some place I haven't been since I was tiny. But I had a great time. A windy, great time. Visiting the petrogylphs is only a dollar per car on weekdays, $2 on weekends, so it's a bargain. It's fun to have such awesome pockets of solitude in the middle of urban sprawl, even though the sprawl is coming closer and closer everyday. Go enjoy it while you can.
3 day weekends make 4 day workweeks even harder, for some reason. I'm battling through it, but geez, am I tired. It helped that we won Geeks Who Drink last night.
I'm in search of a new series to fall in love with post-Six Feet Under. Canivale anyone? I'm at a loss.
1 comment:
The new series of Battlestar Galactica. No joke.
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