The problem with owning a D80 and having too much free time (ha, there's a problem if I've ever heard one...) is that I have far, far too many pretty pictures to post. I guess I'll get around to it, but I'm mostly thinking I think I need to devote to a flickr account instead of being photonerd on blogger ("Seeee? Do you see the way the light hits the dirt and the way lens flare..."). So, look for that in the coming days.
Regardless, have TEMPE!

We (Ashley, Joel, Casey, Myself. Which shouldn't be capitalized, but it looks odd if I don't) went to Tempe for the sole purpose of seeing Ben Folds. Really, we drove straight to the venue, then hotel, did a little playing, then turned around and went home. BUT. Do not dare think that we did not have fun.

FOR STARTERS, look at the dang bathroom key in Gallup. How is that not fun?!?

Well, I guess Casey didn't think it was fun. But I certainly did.

For ADDED FUN, I brought the Fountain Hat, purchased in Fountain, Colorado back in August. (It's important to note that I was a little confused to be going... west instead of.... north. Also confusing was not having Marky with me.)


We ate at Jack in the Box in Flagstaff. Even though I'm not informed that there's a way to Phoenix that's actually an hour shorter if you don't go through Flagstaff, Sourdough Jacks are probably worth the trip.

Like I said, we went straight to the venue. The venue's website scared us because it told us to allow an hour to park. AN HOUR? Where is the show? SAN DIEGO?!? But, since it was at
ASU's performing arts building and since it's impossible to park at UNM, we took the website on its word. It took us less than a minute to park. And we were within 50 feet of the front door. WHAT. But, it gave us time to explore ASU just a bit, find a bathroom and a Starbucks.
Now, the show itself also started at 6:30, which still makes no sense to me. The openers were called
Rueben's Accomplice, a local Tempe who are also opening for Jimmy Eat World (a Mesa favorite) on their
Clarity x 10 tour (complete side note: SHOOT ME NOW, I'm so excited about that). Now, okay, I think whoever the college promoter went, "These guys play piano. Ben Folds plays piano. They will sound good together." No, college promoter, no. INCORRECT. While the band gets bonus points for having luminarias as stage lighting, they lose just as many for bringing their own bedroom lamp. Sup, Danny Winn.
And Ben, oh, Ben was spectacular. He's the king of doing exactly what you don't expect. A few weeks before
Way to Normal was released, he leaked fake versions of the songs, that he spent a weekend recording. As a joke. And as he explained, he ended up really liking them. So, he played quite a few of them. He also played about half of
Way to Normal, then took a promised short break, came back, and played some good, old stuff. Casey FINALLY started having fun when Ben broke out Underground. He also played Kate (since I am, in fact, a lady, I was quite happy) and directed us for Not the Same.
In the words of Joel, he knows how to play the fuck out of a show. When I saw him
back in January, he was still finishing the new album and still working it out on stage. He talked a lot more, so it seemed more personal, but this time, he let his music talk for him. Seeing a performer like that, who just oozes talent, is always so inspiring. You can't help but feed off him, regardless of the circumstances. You could tell that he was having the time of his life. I think it would be easy for music like Bens, being heard in a performance hall, to take a snotty turn. But he's always nothing but pure fun. And he wants everyone else to have fun, too. And we all certainly did.
We got a motel room for the night and slept in. The next morning held wondrous treasures.

Animal fries.There's something so fulfilling about eating at In N Out Burger. I know half of the appeal is the fact that it's not in New Mexico. But, it's probably the only fast food in the country that you actually feel good after you eat it. Almost like you're proud of yourself.

Oh no, Casey's having fun.And by Casey having fun, that means shopping for action figures. In his quest for Red Hulk, we hit up a Tempe Target (and later, a Mesa Target, where I became convinced I'd run into Jim Adkins buying the same Red Hulk). Sadly, no Red Hulk, but Casey found a new bed.

And a new executive office.

He fired Ashley.We went to Starbucks in the Target and the girl working there was nice. I mean, oddly nice. First, she complemented Ashley's hair, then my camera, then she started giving us free Odwalla.

Apparently, this is the face I make when someone gives me free Odwalla.Now, I don't actually like Odwalla. Blasphemy, I know, but it makes me feel like I'm drinking a little bit of puke. And I KNOW, boba's a way worse vomit-esqe sensation, but I'm not here to make excuses for my drink preferences. I think the face was moreso a reaction to actually getting something for free at Starbucks. Really. When does that ever happen?

This is Joel's reaction to free things from Starbucks, buuuut...

I personally think this brings the rofls.SO. Kyle told me this story about Casey knowing how to climb a palm tree. Guess what they have in the parking lot of the Tempe Target?



Conquistador.After Target, Ashley and I convinced Joel and Casey that they really wanted to go pedal-boating in the Tempe town lake.

So, we did that.I clearly, had the time of my life. But, pedalboating is actually a little exhausting. I wasn't expecting that.

We got to pedal through and around three bridges.

Ashley left a permanent signature from us: "I <3 Jesus".

Swallows nests were all over the bridges. They sort of gross me out.After that and another Target, we had the grandest intentions of checking out a local arcade, but we decided to head home instead. Pedaling's haaaaard.

We stopped at a majestic cacti north of Tempe. Only so I could take its picture.

Flipping postcard! I luff D80.

Bonus mini cacti with large cacti stop.

Magestic Highway Whale.Now, a curious thing started happening about half an hour outside of Flagstaff. Casey, our trip DJ, started playing the sort of songs that require a singalong. Oh, you know, the sort of songs that you pour your heart out on when you're alone in your car. But, we weren't alone this time around.

Flagstaff Jack in the Box, again. It's important to note that Joel bought another order of curly fries SOLELY for that picture.By the time we left Flagstaff and were headed directly east, car singalong took over. It became EPIC CAR ROCK OUT '08. It sort of started out of no where, but every song Casey played became more and more epic. And while you would think the later it got, the slower things got, you would be absolutely wrong. The later it got, the more committed we got. Around Acoma, Casey broke out the DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL and we all about lost our minds during "Hands Down". While I wished I had bought a D90 so I could record the merriment, sometimes it's best that certain things stay in the car. I'm sure reviewing our EPIC CAR ROCK OUT when we weren't so tired and roaded, would take away the magic.

The last time I was in Phoenix-metro was three and a half years ago. I was so fresh off heartbreak, still feeling daggers. It was a little sour to go back there. But, I had such a great time with such great people. It's amazing the difference a few years can make. You're okay, Arizona. Just learn to cool down once in a while. And take back John McCain. Thanks.