Best/worst story ever. I cut off the tip of my finger at the El Rey last night. I was cutting limes, not paying attention, and whaaaack. The actual act didn't hurt at all, but a few seconds later was pretty brutal. Thanks, citrus. It bled. A lot. Marky went into manager mode and ran down to the Central Market for Tylenol and bandages and Daniel went into security mode with first, making me clean it (mother of GOD, that hurt, too) and wrapping it up for me. I decided to not go to the emergency room mostly because it wasn't that severe. I went to Urgent Care this morning and they shoved gel foam in my thumb and cleaned it, told me to take Tylenol. It'll grow back eventually, so I hear.
But, for a while, I'll a have a thumb mummy. If you're interested in carnage, I'd click here. Tempe blog is up and coming, but this was too awesome to not post about.
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