She's probably the most fabulous person in the world, married to the prettiest man in the world, and manages to not really really take herself seriously at all. After watching the Coming to America special, yes, I would love to be her personal assistant. And her best friend, really.
In other news, I decided that the reason I wrecked my truck was so I could go to Jimmy Eat World. That experience was, by far, one of the best concerts of my life, something I did not see coming.
I’ve seen Jimmy Eat World a few times, and I’ve never really been too impressed. However, both times were in arena settings and perhaps they’re better enjoyed in a more intimate environment. And for the first time EVER, I was okay with how it sounded in the Sunshine. That’s a hard room to sound and I understand that, but geez, it normally blows. I guess JEW’s sound crew spent a while sound checking.
When they first came out, one of the things Jim Adkins said was that they’d been a “rock band” on tour for some time now and they wanted to do something different. So, they placed such precious jewels like “A Sunday”, an acoustic version of “Claire” that had me near tears, “My Sundown”, my personal favorite “Disintegration” and they closed with “Hear You Me”. Honestly, a lot of people were pissed about it, because they played nothing really fast or poppy. People were literally yelling at them. But, they didn’t care. And good for them! I think it was the kind of experience you really had to work to appreciate, if you’ve only followed the band via the radio, as pretentious as that makes me sound.
During “23”, all these people started clearing room for this couple to slow dance. It was kinda ridiculous and it really kinda made me upset. It was hot enough on the floor and no one needed to be anymore cramped. In fact, I remember making the comment “This is not freaking prom” to one of the people holding the barrier (which I feel really bad about now…). Then, the guy dancing gets down on one knee and asks the girl to marry him. I kinda hated it, but moreso just because of how precious it was.
I left the concert with a singing heart. LaLaLa!
And I could not have asked for a better concert buddy than Casey. We had ourselves a grand ol’ time, despite “that guy”, the one drunk asshole at the show that Casey almost punched in the face. He deserved it.
I guess the real important news is that I have a functioning car again! ZOMG! The bodywork’s not perfect and it kinda looks like my truck’s a little retawded, but more importantly, it runs and it runs well. However, I am stuck here for a little while longer working back the money I spent on a new radiator. PLEASE. Someone employ me.
I spent most of my weekend preparing for the big ol Burlesque show that’s happening on July 28th and visiting my mom, since she hasn’t gotten to see me in a while.
Don't tell Joe, but now that you've shown me that video I think she's pretty awesome, too.
Yay for Jimmy Eat World being good live!!!
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