
They put Yen in a handbag.

Still stuck. Dear old truck is sitting at Casa Chervolet, waiting for the car whisperer to install a new radiator. It won't be long.

I'm debating the option of getting a second job before I leave, as random hours at the Golden West just won't cut it. However, most of the work I could get would involve mall retail, and might not even be worth it for just a few weeks. Sooo, I don't knooow.

Right now, I'm feeling pretty stagnant. But, I will be in town for a few very good things, including a BN show and a Jimmy Eat World concert. I've been giving pretty serious thought to joining the Peace Corps, just to feel like I have some kind of purpose til I'm 24 and can get to graduate school. It seems all pretty appealing right now.

I spent a rather interesting night with Paul and Sara, watching him create the most intense balloon designs I have ever seen.

I got an alien hat.

Then, we took to the lawn for playing around with light sticks and such.

But, the best part of my week was Kenneth making a helmet for my bear.

Just in case I decide to wreck again.

I got my diploma in the mail today, which means everything cleared and I'm officially a graduate of UNM. Well, that's exciting! Kyle bought me seafood to celebrate.

1 comment:

Stancie said...

Shybright's helmet is just fab! I hope everything's okay on your end...