
She's the best of everything.

I know, I know. Imma bad blogger. But I work a lot. About the only thing I want to do when I get home is eat. Then preferably see an amazing person that will let me whine about work for a few hours, then go to bed. It's 9:30. Guess where I am? If you said in bed, you're correct.

But, on with blog.

How I watched Obama Day.

If this picture does not indicate where I work, then... Bad New Mexican! Bad! No, actually working there is the first time I've been in the Capitol in years. WHOOPS. Did I type that?!?

New job is going pretty alright. People seem to want to give me fancy job titles that, in all actuality, don't mean a whole lot. I got "promoted" from what I thought my original job would be. That means I make more money, but I seem to have an almost identical job. People tell me that'll change in a month or so, but I'm skeptical. People always seem to tell me my job is going to be a lot more than it actually is. Am I really good at avoiding work or...?

I will tell you that's it's super awesome to hear the older women in this place talk about how excited they were to vote for Obama. Makes my heart glow.

Commute is still balls. The train's been on time, but that doesn't stop the fact I have to be up early. For the most part, I feel like early is early. If I've got to be up prior to 8am, it's early. But, 5:15am... that's a whole nother early. I guess I'll just spend the next two months of my life super tired. I'm not proud to say that Starbucks has become my morning BFF. I feel like butt if I don't have some kind of caffeine before I get on the train. And drinking Dr. Pepper prior to 10am just doesn't feel right.

BUT. HEY. What happens when you get trapped in an ice storm?

You drink a lot of Lost Lake. That's what.

I'll be honest and tell you that ice storm sort of ruled. I mean, I got an involuntary vacation. I got oh so lucky in getting stuck with Chelsey. She and I have pretty much the exact idea of fun, which is hanging out on a couch and watching game shows. Then, when you get bored with that, you throw ice balls at neighbors you don't like. Then, when you get bored with that, you walk to Walgreens and buy a Snuggie.

No really, we had a super good time.

This is what Ice Storm looks like.

Sort of. This is ice that's melted off a roof and crashed into ice that hasn't melted on the ground. Just imagine everything in your world. Now, put a sheet of ice on top of it. That's an ice storm.

This postsecret, as previously posted about, has proved to be one of the biggest catalysts of change I have ever witnessed. I think we, as New Mexicans, have all thought about it. Now, a lot of us seem to be doing it; sort of a mass exodus. It's really exciting and intense, the thought of leaving. But, I think coming home is just as big of a rush, regardless of how long I've been gone. I told Ashley tonight I was portable. It made a lot of sense.

Speaking of change, I decided it was time for some. Out of thin air, and a bit of luck, I visited Emily Stone at her first official day of hair cutting at Casa Verde and she took off a good six inches. I absolutely love it. I had no idea there was actual hair under all that death and damage. I also spent a lot of money on Aveda products, in an attempt to look, feel and smell better (that stuff smells sooooo good). AND I booked an herbal salt glow at Betty's. The point is, if I'm going to be working so much, I need to take care of myself. I feel better already.

Now. If only a museum would hire me...

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