So, I decided to go see my mommma, bring her some Teriyaki Chicken Bowl and visit Bruce. So, I get in the drive thru line at the TCB (you know this is going somewhere fantastic already, don't you?) and order.
Cat: Can I get a number one and another number one without chicken and extra vegetables, two egg rolls and a large pink lemonade, please?
About a minute passes.
Cat: Okay. FINE. Can I get an order of rice and an order of vegetables?
Different employee: We'll have your total at the window, thank you.
When I get to the window, I am FUMING. You don't HAVE to put chicken in the bowl. It's not like the chicken lives in the bowl and won't come out. No. It's completely optional. And okay, I can understand, it's a menu substitute and some restaurants have policies against that. But don't be a jerk about it. I always say this, HOW HARD IS YOUR JOB? My job isn't hard, it kind of sucks, but it's not hard. And I'm not mean to anyone. It's called client services.
And of course, the person who opens the window is the idiot employee, I could tell by her voice. And she STONED out of her brain. Like, can barely open her eyes to pass me my rice and side of veggies. Almost wanted to call the store and talk to her manager, but then I realized that this is Teriyaki Chicken Bowl, and after I read a memior about people doing coke lines off the ovens at Dions, I sort of figured out that most fast food employees have to function in some kind of altered state in order to be effective. Her manager probably smoked her out.
But really, don't be a jerk. It's not that hard. On any other given day, I probably would have thought it was just ridiculous and funny, but yesterday, after a doctor yelled at me, it was just epic fail.
AND THEN I get on the interstate and drive through whatever line-widening retard of a project they're doing on 1-40 during rush hour to get to momma's. Almost got rear-ended twice. So, I was about ready to pull over, get out of my car, walk into the arroyo and wait for it to rain.
Then, as if by magic, my iPod on random decided to play the song about the story of a girl. Oh, you know what song I'm talking about. And I just started dancing and singing and all the hate from the afternoon was completely gone. Ah, noble pop music, no one gives you enough credit for how happy you can actually make people.

Next weekend, life-long dream comes true. I get to see Tom Petty live. It'll be at the Mile High Music Fest and there's a buncha other artists playing (some of which I'm more excited about than others). But, I think it'll be a fantastic time. Just a few days of all day music and good friends. That weekend in general is going to rule. Thursday night is, of course, Dark Knight, and Friday night is Lucero.
And they're amazing.
All I gotta do is make it through a week of work and then, awesomeness. Deep breathes, please.
I'm still crossing fingers and toes over the dream job I applied for last week. I'd like it if you would do the same. It's a rare thing to make money doing something you love.
1 comment:
Wait, Lucero? I am SO in for that. Details to follow.
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