-Grandma's new storm celler. New Mexico, getchoo some twisters so I can have one.
-Getting Gas in Amarillo at the Toot n Totum. I saw 6 whole black people outside. Shock insued. Last time I checked, Texas was still holding minorities in pins at the border.
-Witnessing quite possibly the best Last Day of Employment festivites ever. Matt's old manager at Pac Sun quit his job and to celebrate got stinking drunk. At work. I watched him kick down entire merchandise racks, rip board shorts to shreds, throw a $2,000 mannequin at a power flush toilet (breaking both), scream at old people, play Welsey Willis's imortal working class anthem "Take This Job and Shove It" through the store PA, and finally, after removing his name tag, pull a pint in a paper bag out of his back pocket and start drinking right in the middle of the store. Motivational is the choice adjective.
-Saw Saves the Day and felt about 16 for a few songs. The Bud Light in my hand threw me back into reality.
-Ate biscuits and gravy. Do this as often as possible when you're in the South. (Okay, so Oklahoma's not the SOUTH south, but it's southern enough.)
-Rancid saves. Always has, always will. Little rays of sound sunshine from my iPod.
I feel not so much better, but more confident I'm getting a grip on all this. I guess that was really what I was looking for, a bit of control. Everytime I visit OK, I get these amazingly strong impulses to start over and move out there. So, here they are again.
I AM THE TAX MASTA. On top of filing mine and my mom's, I helped Maria with hers last night. It took fordamnever, but we eventually got it. And she's getting a lot of money. To celebrate, we're going to Tucanos sometime soon.
Like a sign from sweet little 8 pound, 2 ounce baby Jesus, these precious things from Okie Dokie Bassets will be ready for pick up ON MY DAMN BIRTHDAY.

So, if you want to get me the best present of my life, I'll take these two sisters and name them Buscemi and Dr. Manhattan. I think the top one's Dr. Manhattan. But, I'm also going to need a house to keep them in.
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