
Lights in tunnels.

Whenever Annie gets sick, she seriously has the oddest medical problems I've ever seen. Like her butt exploding. Well, this time it's a hole in the roof of her mouth. Apparently she had a cavity (which the vet told my grandmother about, and not to worry about it. FURIOUS) that festered then got infected, causing an absess which both me and my grandma assumed was a swollen sinus gland, seeing as she's a hound dog. As I well know, when there's an infection, your body will do anything it can to push it out. So, it started pushing it out. Through the top of her mouth. I cannot even imagine how painful that must be for her. Poor, poor baby.

But, the good news is it'll probably clear up with anti biotics. And if not, surgery's an option (and one that my grandma can afford). Mostly, I think my grandma's just frustrated with Annie, which I, of all people, certainly understand. But, I'd never think and never thought about giving her up because of it. My grandma's got a big heart. Let's just hope it's the high stress from the move.

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