Good news! Grandma's out of the hospital. Bad news, she ended up being there for 4 nights, something that made her really, really grumpy. Apparently, the infection got to her right kidney and created some kind of kidney pneumonia. So basically, she was pretty sick for a few days there.
I, being the dutiful granddaughter, ran all around town for her all week, bringing her whatever she wanted. That includes a box of plush kleenex at 6am, because the kleenex at the hospital is terrible, apparently. I'm still doing this, as I've been out her house the last two nights.
Now, my grandma's a decent enough person. But, she's got a bad habit of telling you exactly what she thinks, no matter of how hurtful those statements may be. No topic's off limits, including my complexion and my weight. Not to mention, she gives lots of money to the Republican National Party and watches FoxNews 24/7. So, as you can imagine, it's been a draining week. Luckily, I'm outta there tonight; Kenneth's going camping in celebration of Internation Badass Appreciation Day, so I'll be apartment sitting for him.
Here's some odd news: I have started writing, of all things, a novel. After years of memoir, I just started typing about a week ago and about 50 pages of fiction have spit out since. I don't love it yet, but I'm having fun.
Just entering the Park N Ride for the Fair makes me glow. Pictures of adorable living beef should be up over the weekend.
I hear you're still looking for me.
Kyle got fired today. That's exciting.
Also, the amazingly awesome staff at Kyle's apartment complex have declared war on me, by booting my grandmother's car because her tags are expired.
Cat: "My grandma has the right tags, she asked me to put them on. Let's just switch it real quick!"
Kyle: "But I already called Felipe (the apartment manager) about it. (Pause) We could just kill him!"
Cat: "We've been watching too much Bourne."
Also, the amazingly awesome staff at Kyle's apartment complex have declared war on me, by booting my grandmother's car because her tags are expired.
Cat: "My grandma has the right tags, she asked me to put them on. Let's just switch it real quick!"
Kyle: "But I already called Felipe (the apartment manager) about it. (Pause) We could just kill him!"
Cat: "We've been watching too much Bourne."
That's what it's like to be rejected.
You know, I really try to limit the vulgarity around here. Mostly because you never know who stumbles upon this; cousins, step-siblings, parents, old teachers, anyone really.
I had a bad night last night thanks to a shroomin hippie who SWORE our bar overserved her and that's why she was vomiting all over the Launchpad and convulsing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (You see overserving in New Mexico is bad news. If you're cited for it, that person can sue you. Or if that person decides to go the wrong way on I-40 and kill a family of 4, you're liable. So, bartending in New Mexico is TERRIFYING.)
My grandma's sick. She pretty much hasn't been taking care of herself, which has resulted in me taking notes on her behavior to her doctor, literally, and being laughed at, literally, because she was too weak to go in. It also meant 4 trips to Smiths in rush hour yesterday and taking care of Annie when I don't have a place to put here. Wiggle Butt is temporarily living with my angel of a significant other.
All of that was eh, okay. It was high stress and made me really grumpy, but that all changed when my grandma called me at 8 this morning to take her the ER at Pres because her chills had gotten so bad she was convulsing.
Annnnnnnd here we go.
FUCK Presbyterian. And fuck their excuse for an emergency room, which managed to be below 60 degrees, making my grandma even worse. And fuck the fact I was waiting for 4 AND A HALF HOURS just to see a nurse, while my grandma was convulsing in the waiting room (because, you know, she wasn't a high priority). And fuck their excuse for a staff who seem to treat patients like lottery cards, picking and choosing, laughing behind the desk the whole time. And fuck them for talking to me and my grandma in that retarded kindergarten teacher, high-pitched voice. We're not retarded, she's just sick.
That place should be ashamed to call themselves a hospital, a place that exists solely to help people.... And it does fucking nothing.
And fuck the health care system in general. I know it's not just Pres, but 4 hours to see a freaking doctor?!? In the richest country in the world? What a shitty joke.
And of course, all this mess made me miss my opportunity to do a balance beam suspension with Kate. I want to punch holes in things.
Buuuuuuuuut, most of all,
Fuck having to help your grandmother pee into a cup.
I had a bad night last night thanks to a shroomin hippie who SWORE our bar overserved her and that's why she was vomiting all over the Launchpad and convulsing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (You see overserving in New Mexico is bad news. If you're cited for it, that person can sue you. Or if that person decides to go the wrong way on I-40 and kill a family of 4, you're liable. So, bartending in New Mexico is TERRIFYING.)
My grandma's sick. She pretty much hasn't been taking care of herself, which has resulted in me taking notes on her behavior to her doctor, literally, and being laughed at, literally, because she was too weak to go in. It also meant 4 trips to Smiths in rush hour yesterday and taking care of Annie when I don't have a place to put here. Wiggle Butt is temporarily living with my angel of a significant other.
All of that was eh, okay. It was high stress and made me really grumpy, but that all changed when my grandma called me at 8 this morning to take her the ER at Pres because her chills had gotten so bad she was convulsing.
Annnnnnnd here we go.
FUCK Presbyterian. And fuck their excuse for an emergency room, which managed to be below 60 degrees, making my grandma even worse. And fuck the fact I was waiting for 4 AND A HALF HOURS just to see a nurse, while my grandma was convulsing in the waiting room (because, you know, she wasn't a high priority). And fuck their excuse for a staff who seem to treat patients like lottery cards, picking and choosing, laughing behind the desk the whole time. And fuck them for talking to me and my grandma in that retarded kindergarten teacher, high-pitched voice. We're not retarded, she's just sick.
That place should be ashamed to call themselves a hospital, a place that exists solely to help people.... And it does fucking nothing.
And fuck the health care system in general. I know it's not just Pres, but 4 hours to see a freaking doctor?!? In the richest country in the world? What a shitty joke.
And of course, all this mess made me miss my opportunity to do a balance beam suspension with Kate. I want to punch holes in things.
Buuuuuuuuut, most of all,
Fuck having to help your grandmother pee into a cup.
The dork of the Golden West.
(Heavily sampled from my dear friend, Wiki.)

Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini was born December 22, 1858 in Lucca in Tuscany, Italy into a family with five generations of musical history behind them. Puccini decided to take an interest in opera after he and a friend walked 18 and a half miles to see a production of Aida in Pisa. In 1880, with the help of a relative and a grant, Puccini enrolled in the Milan Conservatory to study composition. While studying at the Conservatory, Puccini obtained a libretto from Ferdinando Fontano and entered a competition for a one-act opera in 1882. Although he did not win, Le Villi was later staged in 1884 at the Teatro dal Verme and it caught the attention of Giulio Ricordi, head of G. Ricordi & Co. music publishers, who commissioned a second opera, Edgar, in 1889.

La boheme, considered to be Puccini's first great masterpiece, was first preformed in 1896 in Turin. The opera would go on to become the inspiration for Rent, the most popular rock opera to date, as well as the second most popular opera in the Western hemisphere. Madama Butterfly, also written by Puccini, comes in first.
La fanciulla del West, also known as The Girl of the Golden West made its American debut at the New York Metropolitan Opera on December 10, 1910. In 1913, it was rumored that Puccini was finally on a train, travelling to the living landscape of which he had composed his opera. Iole Bachechi, a young Italian girl from Albuquerque, was thrilled to learn that she could see this famous celebrity from Lucca, Italy, the Tuscan hometown of her mother Maria Bachechi. There was definitely a Puccini on that train that stopped in Albuquerque, but it wasn't Giacomo - it was his cousin, Luigi. Luigi, a young journalist living in New York (and also from Lucca) was passing through Albuquerque, saw Iole, and fell in love. They were married in 1914.
Luigi Puccini spent the royalties from the operas written by his famous cousin buying and building theaters in the southwest. In 1929, shortly after his in-laws, Oreste and Maria Bachechi built the Kimo Theater, Luigi built the original Puccini Building, which is now known as Puccini's Golden West Saloon. Constructed by Lembke Construction, the building was originally a grocery store, and later became a paint store, a lamp store, and ultimately...

A saloon. That I work at.
The Puccini building, as well as the El Rey Theater, an addition built in 1941, still remain in the Puccini family, owned by his daughters, Adelina and Virginia, and managed by his granddaughter, Kathy Zimmer.

Luciano Pavarotti made his opera début in the role of Rodolfo, which would, debatedly, become his signature role, in La bohème on April 29, 1961 in the town of Reggio Emilia. 1963 saw the debut of the famous Franco Zeffirelli production, conducted by Herbert Von Karajan with Mirella Freni singing Mimi and Pavarotti in the role of Rodolfo. This production played in Milan, Vienna, Salzburg and Moscow and dominated the repertoire for decades. Pavarotti would go on to play the role of Rodolfo in New York, Paris, Chicago, La Scala (debatedly the most famous opera house in the world, located in Milan), Australia, Philadelphia, and in Beijing, where performed in front of 10,000 people, at the very first concert at The Great Hall of People, on the western edge of Tiananmen Square.
Pavarotti's pivotal step in becoming an internationally known celebrity occurred in 1990 when his rendition of Giacomo Puccini's aria, "Nessun Dorma" from Turandot, became the theme song of the BBC TV coverage of the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy. The aria achieved pop status and remained his trademark song. Turandot was Puccini's last opera, in fact it remained unfinished at the time of his death in 1924. News of Puccini's death reached Rome during a performance of La bohème. The opera was immediately stopped, and the orchestra played Chopin's "Funeral March" for the stunned audience. Pavarotti sang "Nessun Dorma" during his last major performance, at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Turin in February 2006.
The moral of the story is that it's great day to listen to some opera.

Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini was born December 22, 1858 in Lucca in Tuscany, Italy into a family with five generations of musical history behind them. Puccini decided to take an interest in opera after he and a friend walked 18 and a half miles to see a production of Aida in Pisa. In 1880, with the help of a relative and a grant, Puccini enrolled in the Milan Conservatory to study composition. While studying at the Conservatory, Puccini obtained a libretto from Ferdinando Fontano and entered a competition for a one-act opera in 1882. Although he did not win, Le Villi was later staged in 1884 at the Teatro dal Verme and it caught the attention of Giulio Ricordi, head of G. Ricordi & Co. music publishers, who commissioned a second opera, Edgar, in 1889.

La boheme, considered to be Puccini's first great masterpiece, was first preformed in 1896 in Turin. The opera would go on to become the inspiration for Rent, the most popular rock opera to date, as well as the second most popular opera in the Western hemisphere. Madama Butterfly, also written by Puccini, comes in first.
La fanciulla del West, also known as The Girl of the Golden West made its American debut at the New York Metropolitan Opera on December 10, 1910. In 1913, it was rumored that Puccini was finally on a train, travelling to the living landscape of which he had composed his opera. Iole Bachechi, a young Italian girl from Albuquerque, was thrilled to learn that she could see this famous celebrity from Lucca, Italy, the Tuscan hometown of her mother Maria Bachechi. There was definitely a Puccini on that train that stopped in Albuquerque, but it wasn't Giacomo - it was his cousin, Luigi. Luigi, a young journalist living in New York (and also from Lucca) was passing through Albuquerque, saw Iole, and fell in love. They were married in 1914.
Luigi Puccini spent the royalties from the operas written by his famous cousin buying and building theaters in the southwest. In 1929, shortly after his in-laws, Oreste and Maria Bachechi built the Kimo Theater, Luigi built the original Puccini Building, which is now known as Puccini's Golden West Saloon. Constructed by Lembke Construction, the building was originally a grocery store, and later became a paint store, a lamp store, and ultimately...

A saloon. That I work at.
The Puccini building, as well as the El Rey Theater, an addition built in 1941, still remain in the Puccini family, owned by his daughters, Adelina and Virginia, and managed by his granddaughter, Kathy Zimmer.

Luciano Pavarotti made his opera début in the role of Rodolfo, which would, debatedly, become his signature role, in La bohème on April 29, 1961 in the town of Reggio Emilia. 1963 saw the debut of the famous Franco Zeffirelli production, conducted by Herbert Von Karajan with Mirella Freni singing Mimi and Pavarotti in the role of Rodolfo. This production played in Milan, Vienna, Salzburg and Moscow and dominated the repertoire for decades. Pavarotti would go on to play the role of Rodolfo in New York, Paris, Chicago, La Scala (debatedly the most famous opera house in the world, located in Milan), Australia, Philadelphia, and in Beijing, where performed in front of 10,000 people, at the very first concert at The Great Hall of People, on the western edge of Tiananmen Square.
Pavarotti's pivotal step in becoming an internationally known celebrity occurred in 1990 when his rendition of Giacomo Puccini's aria, "Nessun Dorma" from Turandot, became the theme song of the BBC TV coverage of the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy. The aria achieved pop status and remained his trademark song. Turandot was Puccini's last opera, in fact it remained unfinished at the time of his death in 1924. News of Puccini's death reached Rome during a performance of La bohème. The opera was immediately stopped, and the orchestra played Chopin's "Funeral March" for the stunned audience. Pavarotti sang "Nessun Dorma" during his last major performance, at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Turin in February 2006.
The moral of the story is that it's great day to listen to some opera.
Thundering Lizard.
I've decided in the future I'm going to have a bloodhound named T. Boone Pickens, a great dane named Spiro T. Agnew, and a bulldog named Sipapu.
Hey, at least I'm planning.
Get me here.
Hey, at least I'm planning.
Get me here.

Don't ride no pony.

Me and this guy had enough of the city on Friday, so we split and headed for northern NM, which, from what I'm reading, was a very common choice. Our "destination" was Taos, but we ended up eating dinner in Red River, hanging out in the Carson National Forest and visiting Chimayo for the first time.
Kyle decided we needed to be hippies this weekend and got us a cabin at a hostile in Arroyo Seco, which is about 5 miles north of Taos. It just happened to called...

It ended up being kinda cold and rainy. But, it was still awesome. Kyle didn't bring a hoodie, so he had to borrow my OU one that I had in my car. Between that and his new beard...

I've abandoned my mom in the rainy East Mountains this week and I'm cat-sitting in the big city. Let's hang out!
Serious/interesting blogs for the public can only be posted when the writer isn't suffering from exhaustion. Zzzz!

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