Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 (this morning)

It's quite difficult to photograph your own elbow.
Most of the swelling is gone today, but the bruising is absolutely intense. Still hurts. I think if I actually had health insurance, I'd go see a doctor just to make sure I didn't ruin anything. I probably just bruised the bone, but still. I'm no doctor.
Birthday was good! I went to brunch and drank mimosas here, then the Oklahoma Science Center (Omniplex), then out to dinner here. I also got so, so, so many happy birthday wishes via text message and the internet. Thanks, dudes. It was like getting a little piece of home.
Job search continues. Today was also my first visit to the Oklahoma unemployment website, which only supports Internet Explorer. And even after I waded through about 20 preliminary questions, the actual application process was down. OF COURSE. I've been a little reluctant to apply for unemployment because quite honestly, I haven't needed it until this point. But now it's down to the wire. Gulp.
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