
Hanging out down the street.

I'm delicate these days. It's like PMS times about 5 billion. Anything sets me off. Sappy television, bad drivers, things not fitting properly in boxes, etc. Kathy called me this morning and ripped into me about a mistake I made on Friday and it left me in shambles. I'm normally pretty good about brushing off work drama, since it's resolved in about 5 minutes, but that was the first time she's actually made me cry.

I told Kyle tonight I'm glad I'm like this though. It's good that I deal with it and get it out, rather than crashing when I get out to Oklahoma. I think it'll be shock enough just living in a new state (and timezone...). My last official day of residence in New Mexico will be the 28th, one week away. But I'll be back the weekend after for FLOOD THE SUN'S TOUR KICKOFF at Burt's on the 8th. Unless I get a super awesome job that makes me work that weekend. Same goes for Memorial Day.

I found Amy Upah's XBox when I was packing up my room today. WHOA. So, if anyone knows how to get ahold of her... I think she might have relocated to another planet.

Anyway, thank God for the scene in Zoolander where they're trying to turn on the computer.

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