
She's gone to the movies.

Can someone PLZ explain BrokeNCYDE!!! to me? They're from Albuquerque? I have no idea who these people are... I mean, I'm no scene expert (swoopz hair and pullz up leggingz), but I think I know a bit about local music, as I work at a venue. And it's like these dudes came out of nowhere. Normally, you see the same dudes in bands over and over, but none of those dudes look familiar at all.

Not only that, but I feel like I deserve an actual explanation as to why they exist. Or perhaps an apology.

Marky said they called up the El Rey a year or two ago and wanted (demanded) to play. When Marky tried to explain that local shows are in the (late) G-Dub, they said they would sell out the El Rey in a matter of minutes. Marky proceeded to put them on hold, listen to their myspace and almost choke from laughter. Needless to say, they did not receive a booking.

My all-time favorite punk rocker blog belongs to Brendan Kelly, of The Lawrence Arms. His blog, Bad Sandwich Chronicles includes many fascinating stories about strip clubs and tips on getting b-jobs. He recently blogged about BrokeNCYDE (here & here) and it is literally the first time I've ever clapped while reading a blog.

But RLY. Who are YOU, BrokeNCYDE?!?!

NPH, you remain ABQ's proudest son.

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