BOOM. Work's over. I celebrated by drinking beer with Marky and eating Taco Bell. Last night, I slept for 11 hours. So glorious I can barely talk about it. All in all, it was a great little job. I learned a whole lot and I hope they'll want me next year, if I can come back.
Fear over unemployment hasn't set in yet. Only relief over not working 18 hours a day. The few days I've had between marching up to the Governor's office to turn down the job and now has only sealed the deal that I made the right call. I can't believe I was freaking out so much over it. (Now, ask me about that when I'm broke in OKC.)
I'm starting to take stock of my posessions; what I want to take, what I need to take, what I should get rid of. I honestly don't have that much. A speedy move out of the Princeton house took care of that.
You know, I've got some dreams up my sleeve. I might never get there, but I can't help but feel like I'm heading in the right direction to turn them into reality.
My step brother signed up to be one of the few, the proud, the Marines. It's personally a little scary for me, but he came to the decision on his own. Can't be anything but confident in him about it.
The East Mountain Triple Homicide hits a little close to home for me and Kyle, as one of the victims was my cousin-in-law (not at the time...) and it happened at Kyle's old bus stop. I think the trial's left both of us feeling a little left of center. Especially the fact that Brandon Craig's going to get away with it. Looks like money can buy justice.
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