First off, we need to talk about how freaking good this album is. It takes every piece of music every current piano-fronted indie pop band (which is an increasingly large genre, probably thanks to Mr. Folds) and shoves it down their freaking throats. It's just that strong. It's a true return to form, a CD that people who hates Ben after he dropped the Five will fall fast in love with. Songs for Silverman will always have a very special, sentimental place in my heart but that's not what this album is about. It feels like Ben had a pretty intense conversation with his producers before recording and said, "Okay. Just how much can I get away with it?". It's one of those albums that's worth buying solely because of the production, and also solely because of the song writing calibur. I heard about half of it live when I saw him in Michigan back in January, when some of the songs were still coming to be and he was at the tail end of recording. So, having the final, finished product, instead of low quality youtube videos is just phenomenal.
I'm not trying to say that is lacks emotion because any project that Ben Folds does is far, far from that. It's an intensely personal effort. One of the best things about Ben it's his comprehension of pop and what makes it good; his ability to have fun with music, but also to allow it to be painfully honest.
Anyway, really, really great CD. I'd buy it a lot.
It's October, by the way. That means one thing for me: Seasonal Retail. DUN DUN. I started working Job Number 3 at Spirit again on Friday, which means, not counting yesterday, I worked a 50 hour week last week. This week, counting yesterday, I'll work 67 hours. Similiar pattern to continue until the end of the month. So, if I'm absent, please forgive me. I'm probably sleeping. It's been a long, long time since I've been this busy. I'm trying to prepare myself, but I fear the worst: blind work-daze where I start having nightmares involving locking keys out of buildings and cash registers eating my face. But, I keep telling myself this is good and it'll help me build up my savings, not to mention keep me active. I must tell you, after standing for 13 hours this weekend, sitting for 8 hours today sounded mighty fine.
I'm working at the Spirit on Cutler, next to Linen's N Things. Come visit!

How on earth little Filipino man sounds exactly like Steve Perry is still a mystery. But, he does. It's freakish. Kyle, his cousin Brianna, Marky and me braved the elements on Saturday and saw Journey at the Pavilion. Completely worth it, if only to hear Neal Schon play the Star Spangled Banner to the best American pride graphics I've even seen in my life (and I've seen a lot of them). Lots of hits were sung, lots of emotional swaying was done, good Saturday night.
Lastly, I need to talk some more about Ben Folds. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I will die happy.
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