The last time I blogged about a celebrity couple I really liked, they broke up days later. So, I'm hoping that blogging about my happiness over another Ryan, this one Gosling, and Rachel McAdams being back together doesn't create any trouble. Because, REALLY, cute as pie. They're pretty much the only thing everyone on ohnotheydidnt can agree on.
Sinus issues are actually full-blown head cold. My brain has been replaced by mashed potatoes. I made a pretty bad decision and went to watch Flood the Sun and Git Some at the Stove last night. The show itself was an amazing decision, but attending while being so sickly was not. (It doesn't matter how much I love and trust my boyfriend, I still hate me some scene whores. Your shoes have no purpose other than to man-hunt. And lemme tell ya, these are the kind of dudes that doesn't work on...) I hardly ever subject myself to cold medicine these days, because I'm really sensitive to it. Normally the only time I let myself Nyquil-out is if I take a sick day. But, being at work, nodding off, is bad news. Well, I let myself have some Nyquil last night and DEAR SWEET BABY JESUS was that a good decision. I slept really well. But, to counteract, I had to take the day cold medicine today, so that I would, in fact, stay awake at work. It's a miracle I cant type this, let alone answer the phone. On top of being mashed potatoes, my brain feels like a caffiene coma. If that makes any sense.
Boyfriend's school schedule has ruled out our lunch dates, something that makes me sort of sad. Like a lighthouse in a sea of desperation, lunch with Kyle was a fantastic break in the day.
I blog with far too many commas.
OMG I *love* Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams! They are just too adorable. I'm glad they're back together.
Nyquil is amazing. Hope you get over your illness soon. :(
you know who appreciates commas? susan dever - when responding to one of my emails she said that she liked that i used serial commas.
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