A big reason for my unhappiness yesterday was that I received the following email:
"The department had an excellent response, and has selected an applicant whose background most closely met the needs of the position. Although you were not selected for this position, we hope you will continue to keep The University of Oklahoma in mind as you consider your career options."
Which translates to: The job you really wanted didn't want you. Didn't even want to interview you. And in fact, couldn't even be bothered to send you a letter. No, no, you get a form e-mail.
The job was perfect for me. It was a position doing media/public relations for OU's art museum, including newsletters, press releases, event planning, etc. See? Like a glove. Well, glove didn't fit, must aqquit.
Pile on a helping of nasty traffic (NO REALLY, what was wrong yesterday?), a hyperactive supervisor, Church's being out of white gravy and you've got me in a foul mood.
I think finding a job that doesn't make you want to face punch is the new American Dream.

Boyfriend's playing his first show with Flood the Sun on Friday night. Represent. Please, all of you. Also, while I can only assume that graphic designer Casey (much like photo student Ken) made the flyer, KUDOS.
I wish I could go. I'm going to be at work, debuting the 4th Twilight book at midnight. :(
I'm sorry. I send you great big hugs. You should put on some Van Halen and start making your own destiny.
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