
Smile like you've got nothing to prove.

Yes. I am wearing shorts.

Detroit Red Wings ones, even. But what makes this picture even better than the mirror closet doors it contains is that it's the first picture of MY NEW ROOM. That's right, my days of living out of a duffel bag are over. At least for the time being. And not a minute too soon. After ten months, having a closet, especially one with mirror doors rules pretty hard. I moved my mattress in today, along with some basics, mostly books and clothes. The rest will come after the weekend when Maria's old roomie gets her bed n stuff out of the room. I was just a tad eager to get in here, as you can see.

But having my own space again was exactly what needed to happen today. It was frustrating, as moving always is, but the sweet release I'm having right now, of blogging on MY internet connection on MY bed in MY room, is just too fantastic. There's a few ounces off the weight on my back. So worth skipping the Murphys for.

I think today was just the day the first real, brutal emotional waves set in. I've felt myself pulling inward, not returning phone calls, just wanting to be alone. But today I think the weepy stage of grieving set in. Of course, triggered by a terrible day at the "office". It's become hard to leave work at work, but I am trying.

While work drains my soul, I get to visit this little lady every day. Kathy has a ocicat, also known as a very expensive kitty with fancy coloring. But, Pookie is dang precious and she's taken quite a liking to me. Why must my boyfriend be allergic to kitties?

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