
Blessed be thy name.

Last night was the first night back to working in the El Rey. And there's nothing like standing for 10 hours to welcome you home. Attendance was poor, I think partially because it was Easter weekend and we had a week and a half to promote it. But I was really happy to see Joe Anderson and most of the Launchpad crew there. Take that, rocksquawk haters. I told Daniel this morning I feel like I had a weirdness hangover. You can still smell the smoke in the lobby, see the taped-up doors. We were projecting the film Dan Garduno shot in the saloon all night, so I watched it about 50 times over. In a way, it was comforting to be back, like a necessary step for the healing process, to get to be around my work family all night in the place where we're best aquatinted. But it was also just so, so odd to be next door to nothing. It's just not the same place, don't think it ever will be.

I'm honestly having a terrible time moving on from this. And I didn't expect it. It just doesn't seem to go away.

I took my grandmother to church this morning, which is always fantastically awkward. I see so much of myself in all the little girls at the church, zipped up and tied into the most adorable and uncomfortable garments, all in the name of Easter Sunday. Man, have I ever been there. And it never fails to amaze me how even after all these years, I still remember all the words to all the prayers. My grandma also unloaded about 5 million baby pictures on me, most of which involve me in those god awful (pun intended) frilly dresses. So, if you're up for a laugh, swing by my new apartment and check me out, circa 1989. I was damn cute, biggest eyes in the history of baby.

Church also means I got lots of parading in. My grandma loves to show me off, college degree and all. I don't she catches the sneers I do when I tell people my degree's in film. It's either "that's so cute" or "oh". I don't really care for either. Hey little old lady, go try the job market in 2008, thanks.

The prognosis for Wiggle Pants is wavering. The vet had to take out two more teeth and was not happy about how she was responding to the antibiotics. So, they took a tissue sample from the infection and sent it to the lab for testing. Might just be a nasty, nasty infection or it might be cancer. Needless to say, I'm hoping for the first, but I'm preparing myself for the worst. We'll know by the end of the week.

Working in conservative office has made me want to retreat into high school retardation whenever I'm not there. I almost got Kyle to play Chinese Fire Drill with me on Montgomery the other night. If anyone's up for that, let me know.

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