It’s different this time.
I just re-read my intial departure post, where things were even more scary. I knew even less of my destinations and my intentions. But, this time, there really is a lingering sense of sorrow about leaving.
I still feel like this all snuck up on me, even after prolonging my departure date over and over again. This time, I was delayed because of two things; 1. Evolution announced they were looking for a new counter person. I put my name in the hat, for what could have become my dream job one of these days. However, two weeks after applying, no call back. It’s cool, I’ve always wondered if working there would destroy my love for that place. 2. I stayed to take my little brothers to Modest Mouse. That ended up being one of the best experiences I’ve had in a long time, since it was the first time Chase and Max had ever been to a concert. Max later declared it was the high point of his year. That, my friends, makes me one happy Gata. I’ve got this thing for live music, you see. The kind of thing had made me work for minimum wage at a venue for 2 years. And being able to share that with someone who’s never gotten to experience it was pretty incredible. Not to mention, the band wasn’t half bad live, either.
I really need to thank Kyle, Kenneth, Kate, Anderbenmans, Jennifah and Emoly for letting me sleep on their couches and futons, use their showers and eat their tasty food. I’m so lucky to know so many people with such big hearts that take such good care of me. Without you guys, there's no way I would be able to do what I'm doing. All of you are little hospitality angels.
Speaking of hospitality angels, I'll spend Thanksgiving in Norman with Matt and his family, much better than driving to Detroit tomorrow. I'm tired. No big plans while I'm here, just hanging out with good friends. And hopefully, not eating Fat Sandwich, since Matt works there now.
I'll probably head out of here on Sunday, giving me enough time to experience the madness that is Bedlam (and what's that?). By the way, if anyone has any tickets for that they'd like to give me, I'm down, since online tickets are anywhere from $70 to $5,000. But, please don't make me go alone.
Speaking of tickets, I know officially have to be somewhere on February 1st and 2nd. Chicago.

I hope that one is a Lawrence Arms show.
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