Secondly, Tucumcari might the sleepiest town in the world. I looked down the street on a Friday night at 10:00 and every house was dark.
My main reason for going out to Tucumcari was to drive my dad to Pampa so he could get his Camaro, which he trusts no one else to drive. We did jazz on Thursday and stopped at the awesome Cadillac Ranch on the way there. PICTUREZ.

Holla! Jazz hands! (For the record, I had to crop my dad’s thumb out of the top of that.)
Other than that excursion, I hung out, small town style, and practiced that whole “big sister” thing, a role I’ve found myself really into. It’s nice to take your little sisters to the dinosaur museum and your little brother to the one screen movie theater.
ON THAT NOTE… me and Chase went to a 7:00 movie on a Friday night. Okay, in Raton, that was like Chaos Central. Literally, hundreds of children breaking stuff, making out, and pulling hair. Me and Chase were the youngest people there, in fact, probably the only people under 50 in the room. So, watching Bourne with old people is funny; the crowd had no reaction, whatsoever, until the very end, when one dude started clapping lightly, realized no one else was going to, and stopped.

Here’s a few samples of me trying desperately to rip off Terrence Moore.

Also, it wasn’t that difficult to make Tucumcari look post-apocalyptic.

And I would like a grain silo.

GOOD NEWS. I get to care for a Rufus and a Lucy next week, which means I'll be Burque for a whole lotta nights! BAD NEWS. I'm bartending Fall Crawl. :(
I've been really anxious and overly emotional these past few weeks. Not quite sure what's up, probably some kind of alignment issue, but I cry whenever there's anything emotional AT ALL on TV. That includes the Disney Channel. (???) Going to Tucumcari was nice and relaxing, it felt like I banished a lot of that. But, nope. It followed me.
Anyone wanna go drink with me in Moriaty on Friday night? I'll either get raped or shanked. Maybe both. Come see!
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Jumbalaya Corndog McLovin
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