Oh, Matthew, how far we've come from dying our hair in motel bathrooms and taking way too much No Doze at 4am. Now, we're.... adults? Well, probably not quite. But still, I'm sure both of them are going to kick the crap out of parenting.
Well, true story, I'm in Albuquerque. Kinda didn't want to make a big deal about it, since I've only been gone a few weeks. But, I got offered a bartending gig and a couple other opportunities to make money presented themselves. So, here I be. Mass apologies to BN for not being in attendance last night. I've bee fighting off a cold all week and it seems that yesterday, after a full night of bartending, I was dead. I actually managed to fall asleep in the Golden West while there was a show going on. I was impressed with myself. I think the cold managed to drain itself into my brain and I was dizzy and discombobulated all day yesterday. Not exactly the state I needed to be in at the Launchpad. But, I did have every intention of showing up, and once again, I apologize I wasn't there. I was pretty sad about it.
I left Norman on Thursday. I was actually a little sad about it. I'm thinking of ways I might be able to make money there, spend a little bit more time there, etc. We shall see. I stayed Thursday night in Pampa emmereffing Texas, where my dad lives/used to work. No one was at his house, we was in Tucumcari, his wife was on a religious retreat, and her kids in Washington. So, I got the nice, little house all to myself, something very welcoming. The thing about traveling is that I'm with someone almost 24/7. For the most part, I'm a solitary primate, I like my space. So, just being able to lay around on the couch and watch all the cable TV I could fit into my brain, was great.
I told my dad, "Pampa Texas isn't the middle of no where, but you can see it from there." My dad's family has lots of roots in the Texas panhandle and my dad took the Chamber of Commerce job there for a few years. I spent some Christmas's there, with my uncle and extended family. Also, when I went overseas when I was 16, the tour group I went with was based out of Pampa. It's pretty typical small town America; local sports are god, everyone hangs out at the Sonic, and I'm pretty sure firin' guns off is good fun. But, relaxation is very possible.
I drove to Tucumcari the next day to have lunch with my dad. He's working there now, doing economic development. He made sure to scold me for being vulgur on my blog. What a good dad. :) However, my poor dad is stuck living in a motel room because, needless to say, there's not of real estate options in Tucumcari. Oddly enough, my great grandfather was ordained an elder in Tucumcari in 1917. You're never far from home.
After getting into Albuquerque, I went straight to bartending, which could probably explain my exhaustion. I'm looking forward to some hardcore relaxing while I'm in the Burk, as well as making some cash. If anyone has any opportunities for money, lemme know. I'll mow your damn lawn, slave away in a fireworks stand, whatever. I don't really care.
I missed you, desert heat. Thanks for getting me with such a warm reception. Jesus Christ.
I AM IN ALBUQUERQUE TOO!! WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! I am so calling you today/morrow.
Thanks for thanking me for being a good Dad. I try. Sometimes I don't get it right. I am always grateful that I had such a good Father. If I can only be a small portion as good as he was, I'll be very happy. I am very lucky to have you as my daughter.
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