
For example, competition.

Momma is wicked precious. I called her this morning and told her that Larry is probably the nicest man on the planet, seeing as he cut me a key to his apartment in Santa Fe, so I can stay there whenever I need to. Even when he won't be there, like this weekend. My mom's response: "What will you eat?!?" My response: "There are lots of restaurants in Santa Fe, Mom." Her response: "But it's a boys apartment, there won't be anything in the fridge." My response: "Mom, there's nothing in my fridge at home, either." I really don't have the heart to tell her how rarely I eat out of my fridge.

On that note, I called in a to-go order of a club with soup from the all-time home of comfort food known as Christie Mae's last night. When I got home, I discovered they'd given me the wrong order. Disappointment subsided when the order I got was the Acapulco Chicken, a far superior dish. I really only missed the cornbread.

When I did my time sheet this morning, I was shocked to discover I've only worked 65 hours this week. ONLY, by the way. It's felt like a lot more. I think that has something to do with the commute... Some days we work 16+ hours. Thankfully, working for Kathy Zimmer has prepared me well. The last year or so of college, it was habit to work in the office all day, get food, and come back to bartend. Those days weren't that bad, it was the day after that was horrible. The problem is, now, I don't get the day after off.

Only 8 more days of this job left. That's 8 straight days. I'm working straight through the weekend. Honestly, I'm not even scared of being unemployed. I'm just so excited for it to be over.

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