
Cat fight outside my window.

This kid will either adore his parents or hate them later in life. I like to think he'll adore them.

You know, I feel like I've got a good group of friends, and a large one at that. I really enjoy spending time with them. But lately, I've started to have some major anxieties about public places. I haven't been to Walmart in months and I get super anxious when I can't find a parking spot or a table to sit at in a restaurant. I really don't know where all that's coming from.

Kyle and I spent Love Day inside, for the most part. We got Dion's for lunch, watched a movie, took a nap, got Coldstone, watched some British Office and he went home. This weekend, I launched a major assault on the cold that tried to develop in my throat, so I wasn't up for giant crowds (see above) or outdoor adventures. Most of my downtime is spent recovering from my insult of a work week. It's getting easier, though.

I'm sorry, how has Paul Blart: Mall Cop made over $100million? I had a problem putting that in italics.

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