(Times Square, December 2007)
Maria's in Vegas. It's 9:38 in the morning and she's probably already drunk. She's a champ.
Anyway, I tried to find old school pictures of the two of us, from the Redondo days, and I found this priceless gem:

(Retzen's kitchen, 2002)
Ah, Spankette days. When me, Emily and Maria found no better excuse to sneak into over 21 shows than to dress alike and dance around. Look how long Emily's hair was! And how bad mine was! I miss you, blue hair. But I do not miss the ugly green you turned when you washed out.
Regardless of hair, that's a classic.

Okay, okay. I know most of it looks a little bit more like this:

But, that's not the point. The point is I feel like after a month in Canada and 2 weeks in Detroit, a little of that Hockey Fan Girl blood in my DNA has trickled down. I never minded hockey before, but with the start of this season, and the influence of my cousin Marianne, I've been following the Habs pretty devotedly. Good news is they're undefeated and second in the the eastern conference right now! But, it's only just begun. And the internet tells me that the eastern conference looks really great this year. Which is no shock. I mean, really. Who plays hockey in the desert? Well, I guess Scorpions do. But, I'm learning all about the proud heritage of the Canadiens as they celebrate season number 100.

Coincidentally, (and I feel like a giant girl for bringing this up...) vintage sports apparel is really quite cute. But also quite expensive.

I lust for this as well: vintage SMU shirt. It's a Vanderpool thing. Other Vanderpool/SMU related lust: this archeology program.
But, other than wishing cable included the CBC and online shopping (browsing), I'm just tired. Really, there are bags underneath my eyes. This week will work out to being another 70 hour work week. Sometimes, office work closes early on Friday and I'm hoping that happens since I have to be at the bar at 6:00. SIGH. The good news is I got out of opening at Spirit tomorrow and don't have to be there til noon. It marks the first time I've been able to sleep in for weeks. This is me excited. There's not much there, but trust me, my brain's dancing as much as it can. This better pay off economically.
With the introduction of the D90, the cost of the D80 has dropped drastically, making it a little bit more accessible to me. However, I'm sure upcoming moves and job insecurities will keep me from spending my well-earned Seasonal retail cash on such an item, regardless of my dying creative spirit. Adulthood, you can eat it.
ONE MORE LINK. B&H's holiday closures are so cute and Jewish.
THank you for the Birfday wishes! Look how skinny we were! But look at how wise we are now.... I rather be Wise, I think :-)
And yes, out of the womb, Newborn's are slippery.
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