
And you laugh about the scars.

Chicago only got worse. My attempts to stay positive completely failed when I went to leave the parking garage yesterday morning, only to discover that my car battery was dead. I called Matt and he came back to the garage and we hooked up jumper cables and waited for a few minutes. Then waited for some more minutes. Then some more. Nothing happened. Matt called his dad who informed me that I might have a battery that's not "maintenance free" and I might need to add water to it (WHY DID NO ONE EVER TELL ME ABOUT THIS? In the history of car repair, which I really, honestly try to make an effort to know about, this was never brought to my attention. I really hate being a stereotypical naive car-girl, but there it was. Did I ever feel stupid.) so we tried to get the caps off to add water, but nothing I had in my car would pry the caps off. So, there I sat, in my cold, non-functioning car, already thinking of the horror of hiring a tow truck back to New Mexico. That, dear friends, was depression. Luckily, after about 50 minutes of charge, the dang truck started up. I was so happy I jumped out of my truck and proceeded to jump all over the parking garage, literally leaping in the air, while Matt did what he calls his "big dick dance". So, Cat jumps, Matt dances. These are priceless memories, all thanks to potential disaster.

Moral of that story is I will never, EVER go to Chicago again. So, don't ask me if you're looking for a road trip buddy to the windy shitty.

If that wasn't terror enough, Illinois decided that it would be awesome to have killer fog for a few hours. Only 40 minutes of my drive in that great state was clear enough to see anything. Freaking land of Lincoln, pssh, land of demon fog... I have never been so happy to see prairie once it lifted.

Yesterday marked the longest one-day drive of my trip, all the way from Chicago to Norman, 13 freaking hours. However, it was also the first time I had someone in the car with me, which RULED SO HARD. Matt's buddy Chelsey sat shotgun for about half the trip and we chatted and chatted. It was great to have company, but even better that the company was totally awesome. We got into Norman at about 1:00 in the morning and I slept til about 1:00 today. That ruled pretty hard too.

I ate both White Castle and Hardee's yesterday. Make the most of those regional fast food chains, you know. But, man, do I ever need to start eating some salads. I just feel slugish and so out of shape. I'm jumping on the healthy living band wagon once I get home.

Speaking of that, home. I think it finally set in today that this is over. My grand adventure, my great plan that I've had for 5 years that finally got action is up. Yes, I'm excited about getting home, seeing best friends and boyfriends and eating burritos, but damn. I just cannot believe it's up. It makes me really sad, honestly. I start full-time work on Monday. Really? But, I just cannot think of it in those terms. I'll take so many more trips like this in my life. Like I thought about leaving Canada, this is just the beginning.

There was a moment yesterday when I officially welcomed myself back to the west, when I looked up and saw this huge, open sky. I knew I missed it, but I didn't know I missed it that much. So, I'm happy to come back to all things familiar, but I can't wait to see what else there is.

New Mexico tomorrow. Mind is blown.

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