Quebec City might be the most beautiful city that I’ve been to. It’s right up there with Boston. While New York City will always and forever be my favorite city, the jazz of St. Louis is unmistakable and I love the homegrown Midwest, Quebec just seems like the kind of place that’s universally beautiful. It’s the kind of place you can’t help but say, “Wow, what a pretty place.”
It really is the city I always thought it was. Cities are tragic victims of glamour photography. You see pictures of them online and they never, ever look like that. Quebec City looks exactly like photos of it. All of these old, beautiful historic stone (not mud) buildings with jagged roofs and huge windows. Whatever those people pay for rent is completely worth it.
But, you know, funny story. They’re aren’t many photos of it in the winter (I WONDER WHY, 2 and a half feet of snow, 4 more inches expected tonight) but the ones there are, it looks exactly the same. It’s so pure looking, so clean. So, from the tallest building downtown, here’s what Quebec looks like from the




I went to the The Musée de la civilization today, also known as the Museum of “the human adventure”. It really seemed like a catch all kind of place, for stuff that wasn’t quite science or exclusively art. But, I learned a lot about Quebec and even saw a typewriter that a member of my family used to write poetry in the 40’s (!!!). But, the best part was this exhibit: a history of Quebecois Cinema. Umm, so, did ya make that for me, or?

Today also was the first time I ate official Quebec poutine, cheese curds and all. How was it? I’d eat it a lot if I lived here, that’s for sure. I don't think I've ever eaten cheese curds before. They're a little like mozzarella, but more dense. And dare I say... spongy? Chez Ashton was offering some kind of holiday poutine, but I figured I should start with the basics.
Yesterday, I went to the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec, the national art museum, and saw a great traveling exhibit of Picasso's work when he was in the Mediterranean. I was also introduced to Riopelle, probably the most famous modern French Canadian artist. He works on large scales with bold colors, so I was a pretty big fan. I love those kind of things in galleries.
I also want to pledge my allegiance to this bridge, Pont de Quebec. It definitely cracked my top 5 favorite bridges of all time. And I like bridges. Tattoo?
Tonight, I watched a hockey game and ate stove-popped popcorn. Slowly but surely, there's a fleur-de-lis working its way into this girl's zia heart. I'm sure they'll live in unity.
(All museum links were posted exclusively for Jennifah and her new cat.)
Mmmmm. The poutine looks delicious. Thank you so much for the postcard!!
Vagitarian! LOLZ
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