Thursday: it rained. It's been raining a lot here. But, I decided, since I'm from the desert, to go take a walk in it. I took some polariods of the self-proclaimed cathedral of football,

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.
I walked around the staduim, then the campus, which has lots of really great gardens and fantastic old brick buildings. When people ask me why I want to come Oklahoma, my number one reason is this University. Overall, I just enjoyed a lovely walk in the rain, under my black umbrella (thanks Maria! hehe) while listening to the Postal Service, but of course.
That night, Third Grade Scuffle opened up for The Aggrolites, something I was fantastically excited for. I love the Aggrolites in general, I think they're one of the most fun ska bands evah, but I heard they were recording with some dude named Tim Armstrong, I loved em even more.
I had an awesome time, dancing and whatnot. The band was super nice, which is always good. However, the turnout wasn't what I would have hoped, given the rain, and in grand Oklahoma tradition, most of the crowd hung out outside and smoked for the night. I also got to see the Rx Bandits on Wednesday, so all in all, Oklahoma music has been nice to me. (Getchoo some Aggro!)
Friday: was spent mostly at David's house, preparing to watch Zombie movies. We selected such fine titles as I Drink Your Blood, Dead and Breakfast, and the infamous Cannibal Holocaust, which we didn't get around to watching because everyone just got too drunk. Well, everyone except me. Of course. No, no, no, I got to clean up Matt vomit at about 4:30 in the morning. And spend the next hour and a half begging him to get out of the bathroom. GOOD NIGHT.
Saturday: I slept in really late, thankfully. When I get up, I called Tyler and we went to Walmart so I could get silly putty. Then, we headed over to Kidspace, a very fun city park, for a few hours. His parents invited me for dinner, which was so insanely nice, and I had steak. Yum! We spent the evening mini-golfing.
This morning, I woke up to the smell of okra being deep fried. I'm a happy Cat right now. I feel a little like I'm invading other people's father's day activities, but no one seems to mind. And there is fried okra.
I'm working on posts of more substance, but they're all incomplete. Including my Why in the hell would I want to come to Oklahoma post and something about the bombing. But, right now, all I care about is fried okra.
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