Never in my damn life have I seen so many people mowing lawns as I've seen today. At least 20! People actually give a crap about yardwork here, I guess. It's like the northeast heights of Burk. But no xeroscaping. I'm sure if I tried to explain to Matt's dad (JIMMY) that we put rocks on our lawn in patterns, he'd just go, "What in the hell is that?"
Speaking of Matt's parents, they're pretty much the best people in the world. They make me feel so welcome every time I'm here, always offering thier food, their house. I've hit the free-places-to-stay jackpot when I'm here.

But, my favorite part of staying here is every night, Matt's mom puts out a bowl of cereal every night for Matt's dad to eat the next morning. I think it's probably the most precious thing on the face of the planet.
I keep having crazy suspension dreams, where it's more this preformance art piece. I'm in a gallery, with lots of fabric (thanks Kate!), but I'm hung in this weird rig that lets me change poses mid-air. Almot like aereal gymnastics. And always to "Firestarter" or "Stay By My Side Tonight" but the Jimmy Eat World. I wake up facing the complete different direction. Why, oh why, can't this happen?
Hey, if you're bored, and last night I was, I majorly revamped my pictures on the space. It's intense.

"And the muscular cyborg German dudes dance with sexy French Canadians." <3
What's a lawn? Is it some exotic breed of dog that needs some kind of special attention? All that clipping and cutting?
--Native New Mexican
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