I was almost excited about that drive, as it was the first of my trip that I hadn't made before. In a way, I feel like this mini trip is almost a cop out, no real adventure. I've been to these places, I know these people. I don't feel that bold, that isolated, or that far away from home. So, driving through Kansas to Norman Oklahoma was appealing. (I took I-70 all the way to Salina Kansas, took a VERY EXCITING turn onto I-135, which turns into I-35 and took that all the way to Norman. In case you're curious.)
But, DAMN THAT STATE. It's almost romantic, all the wheat fields and silos and open space. But, that lasts for about an hour (if you're lucky) and then it's just painful. I mean, NOTHING. It'll make you crazy (I made some mpegs along the way of car-dancing. Those were promptly deleted.)
I had some great banter with the gas station clerk in Hays Kansas who asked me my new favorite variation: "Doesn't that hurt?"
"Nope. Not right now." He rolled his eyes and double-counted my bills. As I'm walking out the door, he says "You don't have to be so rude."
But, I would like to congradulate Hays for having a mall named "The Mall" right next to a car lot named "The Car Lot". Impressive.
However, the most exciting part of my day was the random cow I saw hanging out in a pond. Yes, that's correct. EXCITING. It was hot, I don't blame him.
So, here I am in Norman Oklahoma. I'll pull the official mile count off my truck tomorrow, but I broke 1,000 today. It was an 11 hour drive.
The thing that always shocks me about Oklahoma is that it doesn't get cold when the sun sets. It's almost midnight and the temperature has dropped maybe 10 degrees since 2:00 pm. I guess I just expect that when the sun sets and the heat source goes away, things get colder. Nope. Illogical. I'm sure there's a fantastic environmental explanation as to why, but I like to think it's because people barbeque so much here.
Speaking of, I was SHOCKED to pass a billboard for Rudy's on my way into town. They must be expanding!
My last day in Denver was fun. Sarah and I tried an experiment to see if we could spend a fun-filled day in Denver without spending money. We almost suceeded, minus the $1.85 for a giant Coke from Subway. I don't think that counts. Me and Sarah spent most of the day downtown, admiring the big ol court houses and parks, as well as some nicely over-the-top public art.
Also, supremely classy of you Denver, here's little children swimming in a fountain.
Also, since Raton is the smallest town in the world, Sarah and me ran into two kids I went to high school with on the 16th Street Mall. Since I told them I was going to blog about it and they laughed, there that is.
More highway info like this in the future, please. You personal mapmistress needs to know these things. I like how blogger auto-spellchecked 'mapmistress' for me. Thanks, blogger!
We got your postcard today!!!! You did a great job of addressing all of us in a limited amount of space. Rock on!
So who did you see? lol
I completely didn't recognize either of them. Only when Cat said their names...Mark Morris and...damn! I forgot again. She's a Baca...Darlene? I don't know names. How in the hell did we manage to run into ANYONE? I mean, with such limited time as we had, only a few days, you'd think the chances were slim to none. It's like if you're from Raton, you're magnetically attracted to each other like electrically charged particles.
This is the reason I don't commit a major crime, like robbing banks. When I went on the lam, I'd most assuredly run into someone who would recognize me from Raton, and then I'd be thrown in the clapper.
Eeek! Cat! I wanna see more of the Okies!
Sarah-In Denver
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