Before we got him to the emergency room, we made him wear my bandana as a kerchief, in a desperate attempt to stop him from bleeding all over.

Here is Andy being a Russian woman.

And here is the Emergency waiting room.

These boys truly are Raton’s gems. They are the reason Raton’s so great. Small towns breed amazing people. They have no time to be cliquey, or to be caught up in ridiculous trends. It doesn’t matter here. Everyone oozes character, sometimes very negative character. But, sometimes you stumble upon the ones who made it out okay. I’d rather spend my night driving around in a car with them with “nothing” to do over drinking at an Albuquerque bar anyday.
Raton is the kind of place that’s easy to hate. But, then you remember what made it pretty okay for a few years.
Tomorrow, I am off for Denver to see another precious stone, Sarah. In two days, I’ll be 23. Cue Jimmy Eat World, please.

1 comment:
That Jimmy Eat World song will haunt me! AUGH ONLY 3 MORE MONTHS OF APPLICABILITY (new word).
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