I told Murf sometime this summer that I thought 2009 would go down as the lost year in my life. And it probably will. 2009 will go down as the year I lost my grandfather, my home and my sense of economic security. I won't say that I lost Kyle, but his role in my life became something I quickly realized I was completely unprepared for. I also managed to end the year with a real bang of a loss: a totaled truck on an icy I-40.
I've spent 2009 in a blur of worry. I can honestly say I spent more time being concerned about my future this year than I ever have. I've questioned every decision I've ever made. I've missed home so, so much that it physically hurt. But, in that, I've never once regretted moving to Oklahoma. It still feels like it's where I need to be.
Somewhere in 2009, I managed to make a new home, find a new puppy, drive to Gainesville for the Fest and hear Bruce Springsteen play Thunder Road in Denver.
2009, you took a lot out of me. And I will not be sad to see you go. I've learned so, SO much this year. Maybe one day I'll look back on this year and realize that all I really needed was to get lost for a while to figure out where I needed to be.
But like I told one of the best parts of my 2009, Chelsey, I'm sick of self-discovery for a while.
Bring it on, 2010. I'm completely ready. I've got a good feeling about you.