
That's what it's like to be rejected.

You know, I really try to limit the vulgarity around here. Mostly because you never know who stumbles upon this; cousins, step-siblings, parents, old teachers, anyone really.


I had a bad night last night thanks to a shroomin hippie who SWORE our bar overserved her and that's why she was vomiting all over the Launchpad and convulsing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (You see overserving in New Mexico is bad news. If you're cited for it, that person can sue you. Or if that person decides to go the wrong way on I-40 and kill a family of 4, you're liable. So, bartending in New Mexico is TERRIFYING.)


My grandma's sick. She pretty much hasn't been taking care of herself, which has resulted in me taking notes on her behavior to her doctor, literally, and being laughed at, literally, because she was too weak to go in. It also meant 4 trips to Smiths in rush hour yesterday and taking care of Annie when I don't have a place to put here. Wiggle Butt is temporarily living with my angel of a significant other.


All of that was eh, okay. It was high stress and made me really grumpy, but that all changed when my grandma called me at 8 this morning to take her the ER at Pres because her chills had gotten so bad she was convulsing.

Annnnnnnd here we go.

FUCK Presbyterian. And fuck their excuse for an emergency room, which managed to be below 60 degrees, making my grandma even worse. And fuck the fact I was waiting for 4 AND A HALF HOURS just to see a nurse, while my grandma was convulsing in the waiting room (because, you know, she wasn't a high priority). And fuck their excuse for a staff who seem to treat patients like lottery cards, picking and choosing, laughing behind the desk the whole time. And fuck them for talking to me and my grandma in that retarded kindergarten teacher, high-pitched voice. We're not retarded, she's just sick.

That place should be ashamed to call themselves a hospital, a place that exists solely to help people.... And it does fucking nothing.

And fuck the health care system in general. I know it's not just Pres, but 4 hours to see a freaking doctor?!? In the richest country in the world? What a shitty joke.

And of course, all this mess made me miss my opportunity to do a balance beam suspension with Kate. I want to punch holes in things.

Buuuuuuuuut, most of all,

Fuck having to help your grandmother pee into a cup.


picklish said...

I'm sorry, darling. Let me know if I can do anything to cheer you up.

ashley said...

I am thinking of you. Please let me know if I can help. Thank you for the birfday message!!! I TOTALLY SAVED IT!

Der General said...

Oh Gata! I send you many many hugs. If you need anything let me know.