
Watching tail lights disappear.

Oklahoma's downright enchanting to me these days. The air's getting colder, the sun's setting earlier and I can finally get away with wearing a hoodie in the mornings. Fall in New Mexico is sort of like a week-long change, it's like one day you wake up and it's officially Fall. Oklahoma eases into its seasons and for some reason, it's absolutely intoxicating for me. I've been doing lots of driving with my window down, with ruins my hair since I need a haircut pretty badly, but I'm not really here to impress anyone.

On that note, Labor Day weekend was splendid, at least compared to Memorial Day. One things for sure, I ate like a champ. Sunday night, I went to Tyler and Laura's wedding shower and there was so much food, I might have gotten a little sick. But it was all so good! Other friend Murf moved just down the street and invited me and Chelsey over for chili potatoes tonight. It's been a long time since I've eaten so well, I've been on a mac n cheese/ramen budget these days.

Digital trinkets:

One thing's certain, this is Chelsey's pose of choice when the camera comes out at Edna's.

After the wedding shower, Tyler and Laura headed out with Laura's school mate Sa to a White Party, since you know, Sunday was the last day you can wear white. It got pretty intense and we bailed early, but we dressed for the occasion.

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